
Wireless broadband systems could be vulnerable to attack

Systems using the popular WiMax standard have flaws making them susceptible to jamming, hacking and spoofing, analysts say.


What's Brewin': Beware of Zombies

Zombie computers infected with rogue software emanating from China, to be exact.


White House shifting to Internet-based communications

First phase of switch to IP standard appears to be for a mobile package to support the president during his travels.


Defense launches broad-based RFID procurement

Companies concerned about value, requirements of $75 million contract.


EPA to test use of RFID system to track hazardous waste shipments

Agency wants to get a better handle on waste generated by Mexican plants using raw materials from the United States.


FAA to award contract to upgrade air traffic system

GPS-based system has proved to be “truly amazing” in tests in Alaska, commuter airline president says.


Playing Defense

Air Force rethinks its space defense options; thoughts of President Harry Truman still resonate.


What’s Brewin’: Clear as Mud

The Pentagon spends hundreds of billions of dollars on contracts, but it’s getting harder and harder to tell exactly how that money is spent.


Air Force plans huge follow-on contract for intelligence IT

Agreement will be worth more than $1 billion, but accelerated schedule and large scope prompt concerns about manageability.


What’s Brewin’: Organizational Chaos?

An entity aimed at fighting improvised explosive devices might be too big for its own good.


Web-based military health records system called bureaucratic, not technical, challenge

Commercial vendors say similar systems already are in place in the private sector.

News And Analysis

Clash Over Casualties

Battlefield medics resist push to stop using joint patient tracking system.


VA could save billions using e-commerce technique, officials say

"Expressive commerce” system already generating savings for large private firms, senators told.


Surveillance tower raises suspicion in border town

Some in Arivaca, Ariz., are convinced the Homeland Security Department equipment is there to watch them, rather than the border.


Pentagon urged not to use ability to degrade GPS signals

It last happened in 1990; Bush administration has promised “uninterrupted access” to civilian GPS signals.


Pentagon still burdened with multiple back-office systems

Army official says service has 187 different financial management information systems.


What's Brewin': Inside the world of defense information technology

Army headquarters just loves iTunes.


Spread of RFID in Defense slower than expected

Full-scale implementation of requirement to use passive RFID systems to track supplies has been delayed.


High-tech border network could fall prey to cyberattacks

Secure Border Initiative Network relies on commercial wireless networks.


What's Brewin': Inside the world of defense information technology

Inside the world of defense information technology.