
CIA Veteran Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Help China

Jerry Lee took cash “for life” in exchange for delivering secret U.S. intelligence.


Pentagon Delivers Installment on Plan to Streamline Business Operations

Main goals are accelerating hiring and curbing duplication, as Congress mandated.


House Committees Launch Probe of Firings at Homeland Security

Cummings, Nadler, Thompson blame White House adviser Miller, who won’t testify.


FEMA Showed Weak Mastery of Contracts During Hurricane Response and Recovery

GAO report on $5 billion spent after Harvey, Irma and Maria shows "inconsistencies" in contracting.


State Department Watchdog to Report Soon on Reorganization, Alleged Political Harassment

Linick’s work plan promises results this year on investigation of former Secretary Rex Tillerson’s aborted restructuring.


Lone Senator Continues to Block Vote on Counterintelligence Leader

Sen. Chuck Grassley’s reasons for putting a hold on the nomination of William Evanina are unrelated to the nominee.


The Exhausting Ordeal of the Census Bureau’s Top Scientist

Litigation over adding a citizenship question gave voice to data expert John Abowd.


IRS Makes Progress With Hiring, Training to Implement New Tax Law

Agency had to update 202 tax products and change 128 information technology systems.


Scholar Predicts Government Reform Could Motivate 2020 Voters

New survey data suggest the presidential race outcome could turn on candidate plans for “rebuilding broken bureaucracy,” says New York University’s Paul Light.


OMB’s Unfinished Business on Improving Government Performance

The White House budget office has implemented Government Accountability Office recommendations at a lower rate than federal agencies governmentwide.


Acting Pentagon Chief Responds to Continuing Academy Sexual Assaults

Prompted by Sen. Martha McSally’s dramatic personal testimony, Shanahan created a new task force to recommend changes.