
Trump Is Having a Profound Impact on Regulatory Policy

Despite a lack of legislative success, the new administration is making its mark.


Analysis: Can Kelly Rein in the Unruly President?

Maybe so, but it may make Trump turn on him—and a bigger question is whether it really matters at this point.


Shutdown Crisis Looms for GOP

Republicans control the budget levers, but they may not be able to agree among themselves.


Why Trump's Immigration Switch Won't Move the Needle

The GOP nominee's shift is unlikely to drive away core supporters or attract new ones.


The Trump-Clinton Race Is Not As Close As It Looks

With its nomination settled, the GOP has been healing its wounds, but Democratic feelings are still raw because of the ongoing fight between Clinton and Sanders.


Florida and Ohio Primaries Critical in the 'Stop Trump' Movement

If Rubio or Kasich can win one, his nomination becomes problematic. If they lose both, he may be unstoppable.


The GOP Nod Will Go to Trump or Cruz, Unless the Establishment Sorts Itself Out

Trump has the bigger numbers now, but Cruz is closer to the party’s center of gravity.


A Time for Culling, Not for Winning

Take a deep breath: Iowa and New Hampshire won’t decide the nominations


Next Phase of the Republican Campaign May Look More Like What We've Seen in Past Elections

Candidates other than Donald Trump, as they’re gain­ing vis­ib­il­ity, are at­tract­ing more sup­port.


What's Behind the Recent Political Upheaval?

Ideology, populism, and a hatred of you-know-who.


The Donald Trump Conundrum

How should his Republican rivals handle him at the debate? And who might inherit his supporters?


Crowded Primary Field Is Good News for Republican Voters

Particularly in Iowa and New Hampshire, where party activists crave being courted, they are in heaven these days.


A Momentous Week, and a GOP That Needs to Change

The fight over the Confederate flag and the Supreme Court decisions on Obamacare and same-sex marriage all send the signal that Republicans need to adapt to keep pace with younger voters.


Bernie Sanders and the Age Question

He would be the oldest newly-elected president by a wide margin. Will voters care?


Why Hillary Clinton Is Underwater

It was inevitable that her numbers would drop once she became a real candidate. But will they keep falling?


A Tough Question for 2016 Candidates

They'll get criticized if they avoid the press. But they'll also take flak if they answer questions the wrong way, as Bush and Rubio have on Iraq.


Clinton's Rough Road Ahead

The liberal base and the media will work together to make sure she isn't crowned as the Democratic nominee.


Bush, Clinton and the Fatigue Factor

Party elites may be fine with dynasty candidates, but rank-and-file voters are warier.


Three Key Questions Will Determine What Direction Election Winds Are Blowing

If there is a wave, it is the open Senate seats in Colorado and Iowa, as well as the seats held by Sens. Kay Hagan and Jeanne Shaheen, that will sound the alarm.


Questions and Possible Answers on the Midterm Elections

The mathematics of Senate control after the midterms is increasingly complex.