
Blame Republicans for Debt Crisis

By flinching at the prospect of significant deficit reduction, the GOP will have to deal with the fallout.


Enough Already

It’s time for politicians to get serious about raising the debt ceiling. They’re playing with fire.


Worries on All Sides

The 2012 elections could be the first in 20 years in which voters dump big numbers of both Republicans and Democrats.


Ready to Rumble

If Rick Perry enters the presidential race, look for him and Michele Bachmann to duke it out.


Too Good to Last

Medicare “as we know it” is a great deal for seniors but not for taxpayers.


The Home Front

Despite the housing slump, Americans of all political persuasions have a visceral desire to own their own home.


Room for One More

Watch for Michele Bachmann or Rick Perry to try to fill a void in the GOP presidential race.


A Brief Bounce

Why President Obama hasn’t gotten more lift from the death of Osama bin Laden.


Fleeting Favor

President Obama can’t bank on his job-approval ratings staying high unless the economy improves.


The Waiting Game

Uncertainty over redistricting is keeping some potential House candidates on the sidelines -- for now.


Taking On Obama

Haley Barbour’s decision not to enter the presidential race doesn’t change the calculus for Republicans.


Harsh Realities for Both Parties

The economy is flying barely above the treetops, and it has little margin for error.


Trump’s a Joke

Legitimate presidential candidates are at risk of being marginalized by a publicity-hungry reality-show host.


Death Wish?

Republicans pushing to revamp Medicare could find themselves voted out of office in the next election.


An Intruding World

Americans cannot afford to ignore debt crises in Europe and democracy movements in the Middle East.


Obama’s Advantage

GOP strategists privately admit that the president has a good chance of winning reelection in 2012.


The Die Isn’t Cast

Although it’s likely that Democrats will lose their Senate majority in 2012, it’s not preordained. Campaigns matter.


Trend or Fluke?

A new poll that shows independents warming to the role of government could signal an important shift


It’s Nobody’s Turn

Not even political professionals have a clue who will be the Republican presidential nominee.


Sunny-Side Up

Economic indicators are heading to a place where President Obama could win reelection.