
Negotiators drop E-Verify mandate from stimulus package

Pro-business and pro-immigrant groups hail the removal of language requiring companies to check employees’ immigration status.


Lawmakers upset over DHS employee's handling of dead fish, white powder

A senior adviser for weapons of mass destruction intelligence programs drove the package from her home to the office at the direction of security officials, and parked her car under a ventilation shaft.


Panetta faces questions on terror, torture

President Obama's pick to head the CIA tells senators he thinks waterboarding is torture.


CIA pick faces lingering skepticism from GOP senator

Ranking member of Intelligence Committee continues to probe Leon Panetta's views on rendition.


Homeland Security panel sets priorities, stirring GOP discontent

Authorization and chemical-plant security bills are on the agenda.


Aviation industry to seek funds for air cargo screening

Groups estimate that as much as $4 billion will be needed over 10 years to cover the costs of the 100-percent screening mandate.


Homeland Security pick cites need to help state, local governments

Napolitano tells lawmakers that if confirmed, she would seek more funding for interoperable radios to assist in disaster communications.


Senate GOP begins review of Panetta

Republicans are concerned Obama's CIA pick doesn't have a handle on intelligence failures leading up to the Iraq war.


Dems weigh adding Homeland Security funds to stimulus

Sources say Coast Guard, TSA and Customs could get hundreds of millions of dollars.


Lieberman says enactment of DHS authorization bill a priority

Senator would like Homeland Security committee to mark up such legislation before appropriators approve annual spending bill.


Homeland Security chief lists FEMA overhaul among achievements

Michael Chertoff says the agency has been "substantially and successfully retooled" since hurricanes Katrina and Rita.


Murtha targets military bonuses for fiscal 2010 cuts

Defense appropriations subcommittee chairman says bonuses are one area that could produce savings as forces are drawn down in Iraq.


Senators hear security warnings about labs, bio-weapons

Report concludes that an attack using a biological pathogen is more likely than one using a nuclear weapon.


House Democrat urges Obama to keep Bush’s intelligence chiefs

Current leaders should stay on for at least six months, chairman of intelligence panel says.


Concerns voiced over new border-crossing rules

Homeland Security official expresses confidence deadline for implementing the requirements will be met, but others, including Canadians, have doubts.


Waxman edges Dingell in Democratic steering panel vote

The final vote by the full Democratic Caucus is scheduled for Thursday morning.


Lieberman keeps government reform panel chairmanship

Connecticut senator must give up leadership of Environment and Public Works subcommittee.


Lieberman plans to take his case to Senate Democratic Steering Committee

Senator's fight to keep chairmanship could disrupt vetting and confirmation process for major appointments in Obama administration.


Lieberman meets Reid, does not relinquish chairmanship

Democratic Caucus will discuss the Connecticut senator’s fate during the lame duck session.


Homeland Security launches program to find illegal immigrants in jails

Program will begin in county prisons and then expand to city jails.