
House Dems split over immigration, border security moves

Democrats weigh advancing individual bills on each; Republicans have introduced a border enforcement measure.


House backs clear path toward anti-terrorism bill talks

Measure to implement unfulfilled 9/11 commission recommendations has languished for months largely due to turf battles among committees.


Lawmakers demand speed, efficiency for port worker IDs

House members say they don’t want the Transportation Security Administration to sacrifice accuracy in the process, however.


Officials criticize plan to scan all cargo

Current and former Customs and Border Protection chiefs say they favor increasing layers of security for containers.


Lawmaker asks Homeland Security chief to explain attack warning

Chairman of House panel says Michael Chertoff should pick his words more carefully.


Democratic leaders call for action on 9/11 proposals

It remains unclear if an agreement can be reached in the Senate to allow the legislation to proceed to conference negotiations.


Anti-terrorism measure would require changes to alert system

Five-color advisory system has created confusion in the past, particularly because state, local and private-sector officials have not always known how to react.


Lawmakers try to move bill implementing 9/11 panel recommendations

Republicans seek assurance that language giving federal airport screeners collective bargaining rights will be removed.


Panel supports changes to Coast Guard modernization

Bill would require the agency to remove an industry team as the troubled project’s lead systems integrator within four years.


Coast Guard extends fleet upgrade contract

Lawmakers advance bill that would require the agency to take over management of the program by October 2011.


Border tech program is plagued by early setbacks

First phase of program, which entails deploying mobile surveillance towers, misses deadline for becoming operational.


New licenses get green light amid passport snarl

Accepting licenses to meet border security requirements could reduce the workload the State Department will face in issuing new passports.


Lawmaker questions status of traveler screening program

Federal officials use the program to assign a "risk assessment" score to travelers entering the country by land, sea and air.


House Republicans propose immigration measure

Legislation emphasizes beefed-up border security, detention of illegal immigrants and increased enforcement against employers who hire illegal workers.


House, Senate security bills differ on tech projects

Senators opt to provide only $362 million for visitor tracking program, $100 million less than the House.


Security focus driving away foreign tourists, former DHS chief says

The government needs to strike a new balance between having security while welcoming travelers and tourists, Tom Ridge says.


House Democrats seek to restructure Coast Guard modernization

Bill would force agency to take over as lead systems integrator for the $24 billion program within two years of enactment.


Democrats try to reshape security spending debate

Republicans want to discuss earmarks on the House floor before passing any spending bill.


Homeland Security under fire for plans to finance new facility

Appropriators say they were unaware until March that the department intended to provide such direct support to the computer investigations institute.


Veto threatened over Homeland Security spending bill

Spending levels and provision requiring federal contractors to pay local prevailing wages drew the threat, but administration also opposes language limiting personnel reform.