
IG finds problems persist with border, immigration units

Continuing issues could give fresh ammunition to lawmakers who have called for the agencies to be merged.


9/11 families eager for completion of security bill

Due in part to their pressure, House and Senate staffers finally have started talks on the measure.


Chemical industry prepares for another fight over security language

Supplemental war spending bill headed to President Bush's desk contains provision that would allow states to go beyond federal chemical security rules.


Lawmakers doubt DHS can meet port security deadlines

Maritime security law enacted last October requires testing of transportation worker IDs at U.S. seaports to begin by July 1.


DHS: Technology gaps slowing port security efforts

Identification cards, for instance, will have to be checked by eyeballing photos until card readers are ready.


FBI's technology upgrade delayed again

The bureau has been trying to upgrade its IT architecture for years, especially to give agents an electronic case-management system.


Homeland Security chief vows to win control of borders

Bipartisan group of House lawmakers asks DHS to immediately send more money to sheriffs along the southwest border.


High-priority security bill remains stalled

Completion of wartime supplemental spending legislation has taken precedence; Bush has threatened to veto both measures.


Deepwater contractors face Justice probe

Lawmaker applauds Coast Guard move to take back management of fleet upgrade, but says corrective legislation still a possibility.


Lawmakers say technology needed to secure border

Republican calls on industry to help develop technology for document security and identity verification.


Lawmakers seek Justice probe of Deepwater problems

Committee has called nearly 20 industry and government officials to testify at a hearing to examine missteps in fleet upgrade program.


Key senator backs creation of 'czar' for Iraq reconstruction

Sen. Joseph Lieberman says he envisions such an official being primarily responsible for the non-military aspects of "post-conflict management."


TSA indicates port ID system may not be ready by July

Estimates for how many port workers will ultimately be enrolled range from 750,000 to 1.5 million.


Security officials seek lessons from Iraq's chlorine attacks

The Homeland Security Department is also implementing new rules for regulating security at U.S. chemical facilities.


Systems to verify worker IDs set for overhaul

Employers now will be able to query one system using numbers assigned to workers on their permanent resident cards and employment authorization documents.


Arizona patrols to acquire border sensor technology

Towers will hold sensors, cameras and communication nodes, giving agents better situational awareness.


Homeland security panel demands plan for visitor tracking project

Spokesman says department has already submitted parts of the strategic plan to congressional appropriators, and will submit the rest "as soon as possible."


Final chemical security rules impose limits on state laws

State and local governments couldn’t pass laws that conflict with regulations from the federal government.


House panel approves Homeland Security authorization bill

Committee backs amendment repealing the department’s authority to implement a new personnel system.


Chemical industry plots to kill disputed security provision

Controversial language would give states and localities the power to enforce chemical security laws that are stronger than federal rules.