
Senate fight looms over revising security grant formula

Lawmakers are divided over how much each state should be guaranteed in politically popular grants managed by DHS.


Panel votes to send 9/11 Commission bill to full Senate

Committee approves amendment to grant TSA screeners collective bargaining rights and whistleblower protections.


Senate 9/11 bill faces objections in House

Security bills approved by the Senate Commerce Committee buck House by failing to give TSA screeners collective bargaining rights.


Senators unveil homeland security grant plan at odds with House

At issue is how much funding state and local governments should be guaranteed versus how much DHS can distribute based on risk assessments.


Lawmakers blast DHS officials for slow response to data requests

Under executive order, managers’ job performance will be judged in part on timeliness of answers to congressional queries.


Lawmakers keep eye on communications grant program

Funding would help state and local agencies address communications interoperability, a problem that has not been solved since the 2001 terrorist attacks.


Lawmaker wants Justice to probe border-shooting charges

House Homeland Security panel may review whether the Border Patrol had enough personnel and managers on duty.


Key lawmaker calls Homeland Security budget request 'inadequate'

Appropriator says he is not confident the budget would address priorities including modernizing Coast Guard vessels.


Proposed cuts to first responder grants draw fire

Fiscal 2008 budget would provide about 35 percent less than Congress enacted for this year.


Watchdogs say Homeland Security office has delayed probes

Office has not refused to provide information, but can take months to hand it over, GAO chief says.


Homeland Security budget generous to Customs, Border agency

Budget request would allow the department to hire 3,000 new Border Patrol agents, bringing the total number of agents to almost 18,000.


Senator raps visitor tracking system for failure to record exits

Homeland Security officials say they are working to follow departures from air and sea ports; land crossings still a stumbling block.


Key appropriators may seek more rail security funding

House panel may shift money within the Homeland Security Department’s 2008 budget to reflect Democratic priorities.


Panelists call for emergency communications mandate

Homeland Security Department’s lack of integration with state and local governments criticized at hearing.


House member puts rail security at top of his panel's agenda

The House Homeland Security Committee will likely produce legislation within the next six weeks.


House panel aims for fresh look at homeland security

Chairman asks for Congress to provide state and local governments with billions of dollars to purchase and deploy emergency communications equipment.


Senate committee plans more homeland security oversight

A hearing is already scheduled on implementing unfulfilled Sept. 11 commission recommendations.


California legislator tapped to lead key homeland security subpanel

Rep. Jane Harman picked to chair subcommittee that oversees domestic intelligence issues, government information-sharing, threat and vulnerability assessments, and the Secret Service.


TSA to cut number of names on 'no-fly' list

Requirement to inspect all freight cargo being put on passenger planes would provide only a small, incremental benefit, agency chief says.


Industry lobbies Senate to oppose cargo scanning rules

Critics say Congress should wait for the results of test programs at foreign ports before setting firm deadlines.