
After Katrina, Justice weighs changes to wireless communications upgrade

Solicitation for Integrated Wireless Network moves forward, but hurricane prompts review of requirements.


Homeland Security chief plans to retool FEMA

Agency needs larger staff, better communications capabilities, secretary says.


House Democrats blast small-business contracting efforts

Failure to meet small-business procurement goals could mean small companies will be shut out of Gulf Coast reconstruction work, they say.


DHS chief describes confusion in Katrina response

Federal effort was plagued by communications gaps, Michael Chertoff tells lawmakers.


DHS failed to use catastrophe response plan in Katrina’s wake

Department defends decision, saying plan was meant for unforeseen disasters.


Senators, laborers decry suspension of wage law

Panelists urge Bush administration to reinstate Davis-Bacon Act for Gulf Coast work.

News And Analysis

Bypassing Bureaucracy


Clean Sweep


Homeland Security sets uniform policy on prosecuting fraud

Rule allows department to go after fraudulent Katrina-related claims.


Expansion of alien removal policy could create logistical headaches

Broader use of "expedited removal" authority would also present resource questions, congressional researchers find.


Whistleblowers meet to share stories, plot strategies

Participants in three-day conference lend each other moral support.


House Democrats push Homeland Security reorganization bill

Proposed legislation keeps FEMA intact, recommends merging ICE and CBP.


FEMA to re-bid contracts issued in aftermath of hurricanes

Senators question agency’s contracting practices and ability to oversee the long-term reconstruction of the Gulf Coast region.


Army Corps shores up budget practices

Agency seeks to minimize dependence on reprogramming funds.


Lawmakers seek investigation of alleged TSA labor abuses

Agency cites programs to resolve complaints, reduce injury rates.


Auditors criticize Army Corps’ 'just-in-time' financial strategy

Report comes as the Corps experiences a surge in projects related to reconstruction in the aftermath of hurricanes Katrina and Rita.


Army Corps defends contract for portable classrooms

Senior Democrat says taxpayers are being overcharged, calls for investigation.


Panel approves bill strengthening whistleblower protections

Protections should extend to national security whistleblowers, interest groups say.


Organizational changes on tap for TSA

Shakeup would include eliminating old positions, creating new ones and possibly changing airport checkpoint procedures.


Former FEMA director says agency was gutted

Michael Brown initially blames state and local officials for Hurricane Katrina problems, but concedes under questioning that the federal government also failed.