
Lawmaker plans bill protecting national security whistleblowers

Rep. Ed Markey, D-Mass., wants to extend protections to FBI and CIA employees.


Lawmakers consider using military to seal U.S. borders

Proponents of tighter border controls call for military action, more funding and merging homeland security bureaus.


National security employees form whistleblowers coalition

Group of more than 50 former and current officials wants Congress to pass legislation empowering them to sue individual government managers.


Senators seek assurances that TSA will stanch wasteful spending

Letter to agency chief comes days after blistering IG report reveals waste and abuse.


Arizona Border Patrol chief cites need for more resources, personnel

New agents are scheduled to be deployed to region, but will take up to two years to be fully trained.


Homeland Security management still 'high risk', GAO says

Challenges remain before DHS becomes efficient and effective, auditors report.


Border concerns bubble up at Senate hearing

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff plans trip to the Southwest border to see “how we’re doing down there.”


Border Patrol agents in Arizona face increased confrontations

Top agent says rise in assaults attributed to attempts to shut down drug runners and smugglers of illegal immigrants.


A decade after Oklahoma City, FBI wrestles with demons

With its new focus on counterterrorism, agency seeks to figure out how to thwart attacks before they are carried out.


Report highlights challenges facing new national intelligence director

Congressional Research Service notes concerns about ambiguities in law, especially relationship between DNI and Defense secretary.

News And Analysis

Rude Awakening


Homeland Security 'moving rapidly' to fill high-level vacancies, chief says

Secretary Michael Chertoff outlines personnel-related actions designed to bind department together as a “unitary organism.”


DHS awards $140 million in transit security grants

But public transportation advocates argue that at least $2 billion is needed.


Intelligence nominee short on details about management priorities

Lawmakers still question how much authority the new national intelligence director will hold.


Senators vow to finish investigation into faulty intelligence

Second phase of probe examines whether senior administration officials manipulated intelligence and pressured analysts to justify Iraq invasion.


Administration ends largest counterterrorism exercise ever

No glaring deficiencies found in national prevention and response capability, but final results will take months to process.


Administration withholding more information from public, report finds

New and old secrets are being kept more often and for longer periods of time.


Border agency nearly 'overwhelmed,' chief says

Customs and Border Protection bureau issues new national strategy.


DHS issues plan for national preparedness

Plan aims for consistent reactions to natural disasters or terrorist attacks.


Industry team forms to provide private screening at airports

TSA will collect proposals later this month, with contract awards expected in the summer.