
Director of 9/11 panel says CIA threat center not realizing potential

Commission recommends new management plan based on private sector models.


9/11 commission plans to release additional staff reports

Staff studies cover terrorist financing, border and immigration issues and transportation security.


9/11 commission scolds government over attacks, calls for major reforms

Panel members and victims’ families plan to lobby hard for changes.


Outgoing TSA official cites progress, challenges

Deputy Administrator Stephen McHale takes on critics of agency's effort to hire and train a screener workforce.


Immigration agency seeks to beef up financial investigations

Immigration and Customs Enforcement bureau grapples with how to prioritize limited personnel and resources.


Public hearings and 9/11 report put focus on intelligence reform

Intelligence agencies grapple with need for change, but can it be done without congressional intervention?


Homeland Security makes progress on management mandates

Agency implements 40 key recommendations by the Government Accountability Office, and makes progress on dozens more.


DHS scraps computer pre-screening system, starts over

Privacy groups applaud changes, and seek more input in designing the new program.


Airports seek billions for new baggage screening systems

Only 18 of the nation’s 440 commercial airports will have systems installed by 2006.


Senators ask Justice Department to declassify Sept. 11 investigation results

Lawmakers say information contained in three reports is key to public oversight and reform of federal agencies.


Probe to focus on potential exaggeration of Iraqi intelligence

Report prompts call for overhauling CIA and other agencies, including creating a director of national intelligence post.


Lawmakers question Washington-area air security measures

Homeland Security Department evaluates plan to lift restrictions at Reagan National Airport.


Pentagon officials, House lawmakers at odds over managing troops

Deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan have strained forces, but Bush administration opposes reinstating the draft.


Critics question federal preparedness for attacks on ports

Homeland Security officials say they would target response rather than shut down ports across the country.


Federal, industry officials at odds over maritime security funding

Gaps in spending cited as deadline looms for ports and shippers to come into compliance with new security standards.


Lawsuits challenge Justice effort to classify previously public information

FBI whistleblower case ignites controversy over classification decisions.


DHS faulted over Washington area security coordination

Almost three years after Sept. 11, government auditors find security and spending coordination lacking in capital region.


TSA gives airports initial guidance on using private screeners

Opt-out program fuels debate over whether screening should be handed over to the private sector or remain a government function.


Officials cite continued aviation security concerns

Federal officials defend efforts taken since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.


9/11 communication failures still baffle FAA, Defense officials

Interim report stops short of placing blame, but federal officials point fingers at each other.