
Nominee's ties to TSA contractors raise ethics concerns

White House says retired Army Maj. Gen. Robert Harding will recuse himself for one year from matters relating to security firm he founded.


White House: TSA nominee to avoid conflicts of interest

Harding plans to steer clear of matters involving former consulting clients.


Legal issues hamper searches of intelligence databases

Main obstacles to sifting and matching information on suspected terrorists are policy and privacy related, as opposed to technological, officials testify.


Screening of all U.S.-bound air cargo still years away

Biggest challenge is getting cooperation from the governments of 20 countries where nearly 85 percent of cargo originates, senior official says.


Coast Guard takes control from Deepwater's integrators

Homeland Security is no longer relying on a contractor team to coordinate development of the fourth national security cutter.


House resolves dispute, authorizes intelligence bill

Provision creating criminal penalties for CIA interrogators who use cruel or inhuman methods to extract information from suspected terrorists was dropped.


GOP seeks to cut DHS personnel funding

Republicans want budget increases in 2011 proposal for staffing and other administrative resources to go toward mission operations.


AFGE seeks to represent screeners

Republicans say granting collective bargaining rights to TSA screeners could hurt national security.


Coast Guard commandant cites urgent need for icebreakers

Administration policy on the Arctic Circle will determine what the agency does with its aging vessels.


Airlines oppose renewed push for higher security fees

Obama administration contends that the current fee only covers about 36 percent of airport security costs.


Lawmakers race the clock to extend surveillance provisions

Without deal, spy and intelligence-gathering powers will expire at the end of the month.


Obama budget revives dispute over new spy satellites

Proposal supports buying large electro-optical satellites and more commercial data, but ignores a plan to purchase a small cluster of relatively cheap satellites.


National intelligence chief bemoans politicizing of security

Debate over the government's handling of the Christmas bombing plot has not been helpful to law enforcement efforts, says Dennis Blair.


Director: NCTC has analyst shortage

Budget cuts targeting personnel at the counterterrorism center have been canceled in wake of attempted bombing on Christmas Day.


Senators seek military trial for terrorism suspect

Leaders of Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee want Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab immediately transferred to military custody.


Watch lists don't necessarily bar entry, officials say

Intelligence officials disclose the United States allows some terrorism suspects into the country to track their activities.


Lawmakers weigh security spending options

Additional funding could go toward new full-body scanning machines at U.S. airports and technology to sort and search clues of pending terrorist attacks.


Official: Terrorist watch list system is too bureaucratic

Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair wants to make it easier to target people for secondary screening at airports.


Customs got alleged terrorist's name days before flight

But officials assert that Abdulmutallab would not have been flagged because he was not already identified in key intelligence and law enforcement databases.


Lawmakers outline Hill terrorism probes

House panels will investigate systemic and human errors involved in Dec. 25 failed attempt to blow up a Northwest flight.