
Democrats: It's Time for the DHS Watchdog to Go

Two House lawmakers allege the inspector general violated the Federal Records Act when he deleted text messages on his government-issued phone.


The DHS Watchdog Says He Deletes Texts. Lawmakers Want to Know If This Violates Records Preservation Laws.

Two lawmakers have also introduced a bill to increase transparency in the Homeland Security Inspector General office.


The White House Threatens Vetoes Over Regulations Bills

The House is scheduled to vote on these bills this week, but so far has failed to pass the initial procedural measure.


Lawmakers Squabble Over DHS Staffing Levels, IG's Credibility

Republicans say Biden's border approach is causing employees' morale to tank, though Democrats say they are using faulty data.


It’s Been 6-Plus Years Without a Permanent Head of Governmentwide Financial Management

The last presidentially appointed, Senate-confirmed controller at the Office of Management and Budget left in January 2017.


Struggles With Air Quality in Federal Offices Put Occupants At Risk of COVID Exposure

Leadership at the General Services Administration agreed with recommendations to address the issues from its watchdog.


House Oversight Chief to Biden: It’s Time to Finally Nominate State, USAID and Treasury Watchdogs

Two of the positions have been vacant for more than 1,000 days, and the other has sat empty for over 850 days.


Lawmakers Flock to Prevent Birds From Dying in Collisions With Public Buildings

Animal protection advocates in Congress have been trying for over a decade to get the government to take steps to make federal buildings more bird-friendly.


Thousands of HUD Contractor Employees Need Better Whistleblower Protections, Watchdog Says

Inspector General Rae Oliver Davis warned of a possible “chilling effect” that could make the contractors hesitant to report wrongdoing.


Possible Hold Up of FBI Headquarters Funding Slammed by Democrats

“Reasonable people can debate where the new FBI headquarters should be located, but there is no question that a new headquarters is desperately needed,” said Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va.


​​DOJ Has a Newly Updated Policy on Preventing Bias in Federal Law Enforcement

Advocacy groups said the update to a 2014 version is a good start, but doesn’t go far enough. 


Coronavirus Roundup: The Last One

There's a lot to keep track of. Here’s a list of this week’s news updates and stories you may have missed.


Federal Officials’ Financial and Ethics Docs Would Be Easier to Find Under a New Bill

The legislation would fix the “labyrinthian process of requesting them,” said Dylan Hedtler-Gaudette, of the nonprofit Project on Government Oversight.


Feds Reported ‘Notable Levels’ of Perceived Banned Personnel Practices in 2021

This “data is only a starting point, not the finishing line,” said the Merit Systems Protection Board.


DHS Releases its First Body Worn Camera Policy 

This follows requirements from an executive order President Biden issued last year on police accountability. 


Coronavirus Roundup: The Future of the OSHA Standard to Protect Healthcare Workers from COVID is Unclear

There’s a lot to keep track of. Here’s a list of this week’s news updates and stories you may have missed.


A U.S. Attorney Quits After 'Most Egregious' Hatch Act and Ethical Violation Reports

Leaking non-public information to media outlets to influence an election and using her position to gain Celtics tickets were among the transgressions found by investigators.


Old Guns Could Find a New Home With Federal Law Enforcement Officers Under a New Bil

Supporters say the bill, which the House approved on Wednesday evening, will save the federal government millions of dollars.


Republicans Remind the White House They Still Want to Know More About Biden’s Labor Policies for Contractors

President Biden issued an executive order last year requiring project labor agreements for federal construction work.