
Coronavirus Roundup: Vaccines for the Uninsured; Additional Shots for Certain Groups 

There’s a lot to keep track of. Here’s a list of this week’s news updates and stories you may have missed.


Management of the Federal Prisons System Is Added to GAO’s High-Risk List

The federal government made improvements in other areas including veterans health care and the Postal Service’s financial viability. 


Afghanistan Watchdog to Congress: We Need Help Getting Agencies to Cooperate With Us

White House and agency officials argue that the administration has been responsive to the inspector general.


The HHS Secretary Violated the Hatch Act, Office of Special Counsel Determines

“With a presidential election approaching next year, this report offers an opportunity to deter violations by reminding federal employees at all levels of the Hatch Act restrictions,” OSC says.


Coronavirus Roundup: The COVID-19 National Emergency Ends

There's a lot to keep track of. Here’s a list of this week’s news updates and stories you may have missed.


This Agency’s Declassification Work Could Be a Model for Others

A new paper, based on consultations with government officials and others, looks at what the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency has done in recent years.


End of Emergency Puts the Fate of COVID-19 Policies for Feds and Safety Task Force Up in the Air

The Biden administration is reviewing its protocols and will issue further guidance, an official said.


The Director of the Indian Health Service Would Get More Power Under A Bipartisan Proposal

Lawmakers say the proposed change “will bring greater attention within the administration to addressing the health care status and needs of American Indians and Alaska Natives.”


NASA Asks How to Better Advance Equity Through its Spending Power 

This request for information furthers two executive orders from President Biden. 


Coronavirus Roundup: Justice Department Releases Its Home Confinement Final Rule

There's a lot to keep track of. Here’s this week’s list of news updates and stories you may have missed.


Biden's Regulatory Update is Finally Here

“These new steps will produce a more efficient, effective regulatory review process that will help improve peoples’ lives,” said the White House regulations chief.


DHS Watchdog Alleges Harassment, Chilling Effect and Constitutional Violations

A lawsuit filed this week alleges the Homeland Security inspector general and his office have been harassed by the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency’s investigations, among other things.


Here Are the Climate Programs Tribal Nations Can Access

A new guide from the White House outlines funding options available under the Inflation Reduction Act.


Following Concerns, Watchdog Advises DOJ on Ending Private Detention Contracts

The department’s inspector general says its recommendations on information sharing and documentation will ensure the proper stewardship of taxpayer dollars and that the department carries out the intent of President Biden’s executive order for the Marshals Service.


Another Bipartisan Push for More Financial Transparency and Accountability

“Congress must have a clear understanding of what regulatory and supervisory failures occurred to allow the collapse of both Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank,” said one Republican senator.


Coronavirus Roundup: A Spotlight on Improper Payments in COVID Relief Programs

There’s a lot to keep track of. Here’s a list of this week’s news updates and stories you may have missed.


Watchdogs: Having the Authority to Hire People Faster Would Strengthen Oversight of Ukraine Aid 

The State, Defense and U.S. Agency for International Development inspectors general are also looking to place staff at the U.S. embassy in Kyiv.


FBI Whistleblower Protections May Finally Catch Up With Obama-era Policy Changes

The Justice Department also wants to know how it can further increase “fairness, effectiveness, efficiency and transparency” for whistleblowers.


Defense Secretary to Senator: Lift Your Holds on Our Nominees and Promotions

Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., placed the holds in objection to the Pentagon’s policies on reproductive health care for service members.