
Senator slams Treasury IG for not firing cheating investigators

Two officials found to have abused the government's public transit subsidy program have remained on administrative leave.


Waxman focuses on Cheney in CIA leak probe

Citing executive branch "confidentiality interests," the Justice Department has refused to comply with previous subpoenas.


Pentagon’s top watchdog leaving post July 13

Claude Kicklighter will become director of the George Mason University School of Law’s Critical Infrastructure Protection Program.


Plain & Simple

Congress is on a crusade to clean up the language in federal documents. But gobbledygook is hard to kill.


Hill battle over Justice Department records likely to escalate

The agency is refusing to comply with subpoenas from two House committees for documents related to the leak of former CIA agent Valerie Plame's identity.


Panel OKs expansion, more funds for 'predisaster' grants

According to FEMA, the program has distributed $500 million in grants for nearly 1,500 projects.


Panel tees off on Justice grant official's golf outings

House committee is also investigating allegations by career staffers that Robert Flores played favorites in making grant awards in 2007.


Agencies weigh options as contempt vote looms

EPA and OMB could assert executive privilege, or surrender subpoenaed documents related to their roles in determining new ozone air quality standards.


Lawmaker seeks probe of OSC chief's online activities

Sources say Scott Bloch instructed an employee to place comments on Web sites to rebut news stories that he considered negative.


House Dems may accept unsworn statements from Rove

Former White House political director was subpoenaed in May to testify at a July hearing on the White House's role in the firing of nine U.S. attorneys.

Pay & Benefits

White House opposes measure to extend parental leave

Bill would let federal employees use their accrued sick leave for an additional eight weeks of paid leave.


IGs face more responsibility, turf wars over war-related spending

Congress steps up oversight of reconstruction contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Waxman issues subpoenas for Bush, Cheney documents

Documents relate to the disclosure of former CIA operative Valerie Plame's covert status.


OSC chief made subordinate post online rebuttals to news stories

Postings defended Bloch against online articles and comments by readers that he has perceived as negative.


House passes GAO pay bill, minus investigative provisions

Measure would restore pay increases to hundreds of agency employees who have said they were wrongly denied raises in 2006 and 2007.


Watchdog groups seek deal on whistleblower protections

Legislation is among several government accountability bills that have passed easily in both chambers but which lawmakers have struggled for months to reconcile.


Obama, McCain give boost to contract data legislation

Presidential rivals team up to back bill increasing information available through USASpending.gov.


State Department taps Foreign Service veteran to be acting IG

Harold Geisel served as acting IG in 1994 and also has held other senior management jobs at the department.


Newly appointed Afghanistan IG lacks necessary funding

The office exists only on paper, until Congress resolves issues with supplemental war funding requests.


House members create caucus to fight contracting abuse

Group might aim to counteract many members' belief that the administration's failure to stop contracting abuses and waste necessitates quick passage of new restrictions.