
Budget deal faces one last hurdle

Lawmakers still have to formally vote on handshake agreement reached at midnight Friday to fund agencies for the rest of fiscal 2011.


Reid: We have a deal -- almost

Parties have agreed on a number; Republican insistence on blocking federal funding for Planned Parenthood is the only obstacle, Senate leader says.


Reid expects shutdown, constituents say; White House announces new meeting

Reid, Boehner to meet with Obama at 1 p.m. for second meeting in 18 hours.


GOP passes futile one-week spending measure

Obama says he would veto plan.


GOP opposition spells trouble for OMB nominee

Senate Budget Committee barely backs Heather Higginbottom to be the agency's deputy director on a party-line 11-10 vote.


Progress reported in spending deal talks

Avoiding a shutdown may hinge on Democrats' willingness to move toward Boehner's $40 billion spending-cut offer.


Behind closed doors, Boehner tells GOP frosh how a shutdown works

In a sign that Republicans are bracing for a possible government shutdown, the House Speaker responded to questions about what could happen.


Biden: Parties agree on figure for overall budget deal

House Republicans and Senate Democrats inch closer toward deal that would prevent government sutdown on April 8.


Senate considers deal to reduce confirmations

Shorter confirmation list is part of an effort to improve the chamber's efficiency.


With revolt brewing, House GOP backs off budget deal

Tea party wing rejects tentative deal to cut roughly $30 billion in cuts from current spending levels, boosting odds of a shutdown.


Issa threatens to subpoena government watchdog officials

Chairman dismisses executive privilege claim by Office of Special Counsel.


House GOP, White House ramp up talks on budget deal

Shutdown threat remains as negotiations begin between OMB Director Jacob Lew and top House appropriator Rogers.


Dems still looking for path on spending

Both the House-passed Republican and the Senate Democratic budget plans, as predicted, failed in the Senate on Wednesday.


Reid aims for Tuesday test votes on GOP, Dem spending measures

Majority leader does not expect House-passed bill containing Republican spending cuts to pass.


Shutdown threat abates -- for now

House, Senate reach agreement on two-week reprieve.


Senate passes stopgap funding bill, averts shutdown

Two-week continuing resolution keeps government funded through March 18.


GOP leaders surprised by White House entry into budget-cutting talks

Vice President Biden will assume the role of lead Democratic negotiator.


GAO report: Eliminating program duplication could save 'billions'

Senator says inventory makes lawmakers and executive branch officials look like "fools" for failing to track and eliminate areas of overlap.


Reid says Senate will pass two-week spending extension this week

House Democrats appear to be on board with the $4 billion in proposed cuts in the GOP’s stopgap continuing resolution.


Congress has time to work out spending deal

Shutdown appears less likely as Congress works on short-term plan.