
End to Indian trust fund dispute could be closer

Appeals court decision and proposed legislative fix could lead to faster settlement.


GSA revamps Web site

Redesign brings clarity to site that has ranked relatively low on customer satisfaction surveys.


Pentagon launches electronic health record system

System will be fully deployed by December 2006.


Electronic travel service survives House-Senate negotiations

Language requires 23 percent of eTravel subcontracts to go to small businesses.


Lawmaker urges Bush to promote telework

The work arrangement deserves mention in the State of the Union address, says Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va.


Senate passes measure to ensure federal hiring preference for reservists

Provision clarifies how veterans preference applies to National Guard and Reserve members.


Survey: Telework could save employees thousands

Employees who telecommute three times a week could save an average of more than $4,300 a year.


Army to launch database on sexual assault incidents

Move raises privacy concerns, advocacy group says.

Pay & Benefits

GSA raises per diem rates for 15 locations

Higher rates take effect Nov. 20.


House advances spending bill with telework requirements

Language would require five agencies to increase numbers of teleworkers or face funding cuts.


Oversight of hurricane relief efforts keeps inspectors general busy

More than 90 investigations result in 23 arrests and 12 indictments.


Passwords reset after breach of Navy-Marine Corps network

Intrusion did not compromise sensitive information, spokesman says.


Thousands of volunteer feds staff Katrina relief effort

More than 7,500 civil servants have assisted as volunteers, with offers to help still arriving.


House votes to centralize Veterans Affairs IT spending

Legislation would place department’s IT in chief information officer’s hands.


Mileage rate to stay put until end of year

Despite lower gas prices, IRS will likely wait to adjust reimbursement rate.


Report cites decline in condition of military equipment

Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan are taking a high toll on equipment, GAO finds.


Bush orders creation of information sharing council

Interagency council will help facilitate the flow of intelligence.


Pentagon fills key slot in business transformation agency

Army major general selected as business systems acquisitions executive.


Indian trust fund management dispute may get legislative fix

House chairman says he’ll join two senators seeking to broker a settlement.


Telework guide for managers urges a focus on results

Supervisors should create performance objectives for employees who work away from the office, new guide says.