
Logistics agency expands telework initiative

More Defense Logistics Agency employees are working away from their offices.


Cybersecurity officials turn tables on congressional graders

Chief information security officers give overseers only average grade for their report card on computer security efforts.


CIO Council drops out of controversial cybersecurity forum

Group moves to start up its own information exchange effort.


Lawmakers seek to protect military sex assault victims' advocates

Lack of confidentiality for advocates keeps women who are assaulted from coming forward, critics say.


IT spending can help agencies save money, says House leader

Even in an age of increased budget pressure, IT investments can spur efficiency, says Rep. Tom Davis, R-Va.


House panel, company withdraw support for public-private cybersecurity group

Rep. Tom Davis, R-Va., and an executive at Computer Sciences Corp. reconsider official involvement.


Computer security could be tied to agencies’ funding

Congressional concern for agencies’ cybersecurity could lead to budget cuts if no improvements shown.


Agencies join new cybersecurity group


Web site lets feds tally telework savings

Federal workers can figure the cost of commuting, both to their wallets and to the environment.


Military’s sexual assault policies found wanting

Advisory panel reinforces previous recommendations on preventing and responding to sexual assault.


NASA awards $20 million eTravel contract

The latest award leaves just two agencies without an eTravel vendor.


Cybersecurity standardization moves forward

OMB is exploring consolidation of agency cybersecurity functions as part of its strategy to reduce back-office expenses.


Cadet: Sexual assault scandal at academy is leadership’s fault

Beth Davis, who said she was raped while at the Air Force Academy, hopes the military takes panel’s recommendations seriously.


Unions raise concerns about online personnel records system

Labor leaders support moving employee personnel files online, but voice security concerns.

Pay & Benefits

Report: Relocation companies could cut costs of employee moves

Agencies could save $60 million by contracting with relocation management companies to help with sales of employees’ homes.


Ten federal programs named semifinalists for innovation award

Awards of $100,000 will be made in July to six winning programs that are rated best for creative thinking and results-driven goals.


Sexual assault victims in military will have some confidentiality

“Restricted reporting” is intended to encourage victims of sexual violence to come forward.


Bush picks former OMB controller to head OPM

Linda Springer would be the administration’s lead official on human resources issues.


Cybersecurity spending estimated to grow to $7.1 billion by 2009

The projected growth is based on increased priorities for protecting IT systems.


Defense buildings remain closed after anthrax scare

Despite false alarm, Defense and postal workers still critical of emergency procedures.