
Expanding mission of State’s Diplomatic Security Bureau concerns lawmakers, GAO

With bigger role and more dangerous posts, security service struggles to balance reliance on contractors.


Colbert vs. DeSeve: this time it's personal


Managers are unsure government can handle expanded health care role

Survey respondents expect legislation will mean increased responsibility, but aren’t confident federal agencies are up to the challenge.


Audit unit says it helped GSA save hundreds of millions of dollars

Implementation of the economic stimulus package is among the challenges the IG addressed from April to September.


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Tick, Tick, Tick

Contractors are facing delays on both ends of major awards and in some cases it’s pushing them toward financial disaster.


Watchdog finds ‘pervasive deficiencies’ in Medicare contract management

Office responsible for the health insurance program has failed to implement past recommendations to reduce risk in contracts, GAO says.


Senate confirms procurement policy chief

Daniel Gordon will make strengthening the acquisition workforce a top priority.


GAO finds extensive fraud in disabled veteran-owned small biz program

Watchdog audited 10 firms and discovered more than 100 allegations of misconduct.


Agencies’ improper payments increase; Obama to issue executive order

Administration says jump is due largely to better measurement, but rate is still “too high.”


GAO: Security agency is making progress, but still falling short

Report says Federal Protective Service needs to pay more attention to resource allocation, technology and information management.


OMB will release top government performance goals in February

President’s fiscal 2011 budget proposal will contain management objectives for agencies.


IT acquisitions present new challenges for Pentagon

Top Defense official says department must be nimble in providing soldiers with state-of-the-art technologies.


Procurement nominee stresses importance of building acquisition workforce

Daniel Gordon is a “broadly supported, uncontroversial nomination,” says Senate chairman.


Former Defense acquisition chief warns against ‘global war on contractors’

A quota system for hiring or insourcing is not a good way to bolster the acquisition workforce, Jacques Gansler says.


Managers discourage agencies from solo IT shopping

Contracting officers can save time and money by taking advantage of governmentwide arrangements, procurement conference panelists say.


Acting GSA chief says agency is gaining clout

Recovery Act implementation and green government efforts have put GSA at the forefront of the White House’s agenda.


Wartime commission scrutinizes contractors’ role in Iraq drawdown

Defense audit agency says KBR already is wasting millions of dollars by not decreasing its workforce in response to troop withdrawals.

News And Analysis

Sounding the Alarm

Advocates seek better protections for State Department contractors who report violations in contingency zones.


Federal Protective Service moves out of immigration bureau

FPS will remain in the Homeland Security Department as part of the National Protection and Programs Directorate.