
Contractors, administration officials voice concerns about contracting bills

Legislators told reform measures could have unintended consequences.


House panel weighs contracting reform legislation

Bills would create a performance database, require disclosure of executive compensation and bar firms with delinquent tax bills.


Career officials called key to management reform initiatives

High-level attention needs to translate into long-term buy-in by civil servants, observers say.


GAO chief announces resignation

David Walker says he'll leave March 12 to head new foundation.


Federal officials strategize on boosting acquisition workforce

Internships and new training programs are tools agencies hope will attract and retain contracting employees.


Legal pros urge action against security contractors who commit crimes abroad

Panelists note sufficient jurisdiction to prosecute contractors but a lack of political will.


Federal Protective Service woes could threaten building security

Watchdog agency says a lean budget and staff reductions at FPS could mean less secure government facilities.


FDA still underfunded, say lawmakers

Despite president’s latest budget boost, some believe it’s not enough for agency to fulfill its mission.


Bush budget lists programs slated for cuts

Starving underperforming programs would save government billions, OMB says.


Performance Procurement

The concept of paying services contractors for performance has won wide support in principle, but putting it into practice is a bigger challenge.


Senators push to scrap limits on women's procurement program

Small Business Administration’s definition of underrepresentation would bar thousands of eligible firms from set-asides, lawmakers say.


Agencies report more improper payments, take steps to address them

Eight high-risk programs are responsible for the lion's share of the problem.


Group to rank contractors on ethics programs

Think tank to publish first annual ranking in March; major companies signing on to volunteer information.


Human rights group: End 'culture of impunity' for security contractors

Report recommends expanding existing laws to increase accountability for private workers in war zones who commit crimes.


Defenders, attackers of women’s contracting regulations square off

SBA, Justice officials defend proposed rule requiring agencies to prove underrepresentation before setting aside contracts.


Defense urged to take steps to prevent systems tampering

GAO recommends Pentagon issue instructions to Defense agencies on protecting critical technologies.


OMB issues rules curbing premium travel

New guidelines come after GAO report detailing abuses of first- and business-class travel.


Taxpayer advocate renews concerns about private debt collection

Calls again for an end to program, deeming it a financial failure and a danger to taxpayers’ rights.


Contractors warned to expect election-year procurement reforms

Industry organization expresses concern about potential for burdensome legislation.


New rule on women-owned small business contracting draws fire

Small Business Administration proposal would limit set-asides to only four industries.