Pay & Benefits

Eyes, Teeth, Ears and Benefits

Congress is considering new vision, dental and hearing benefits for federal employees willing to pay for them.


Agency officials say resistance to telework is dropping

House lawmakers pledge to use appropriations stick to force agencies to support the practice.

Pay & Benefits

Defense opens special pay center for Guard, Reserves

Cleveland office intended to centralize pay expertise in the wake of recent snafus.


Senators urge funding to hire air traffic controllers

New employees must be trained before impending wave of retirements, they argue.


Park Service official promises protections for whistleblowers

Deputy director releases memo on the same day that Park police chief files for reinstatement.

Pay & Benefits

Defense not using short-term deployment allowance

Congress approved the special pay allowance, aimed at service members who are frequently deployed for less than 30 days, last year.


Measure encourages agencies to meet telework targets

Noncompliant departments would lose $5 million in appropriations.


OMB unveils changes to funding

Additional agencies asked to contribute funds to next phase of successful e-government initiative.


Panel to review federal relocation policies

New panel will make recommendations for more efficient employee transfers.


DHS improves foreign student tracking program, according to GAO

Agency uses new staffing, training and software to respond to problems, report says.


GAO issues recommendations for improving purchase card program

Veteran’s Health Administration must tighten internal controls, auditors say.


Finalists for Service to America Medals announced

Medal honors civil servants, seeks to inspire next generation of workers.


FAA says it must hire, train air traffic controllers before retirement wave

Witnesses, legislators express concern over “looming danger,” await FAA report in December.


Tricare pharmacy program recovers from rocky beginning

Claims being processed at high volumes after initial computer glitch is resolved.


Treasury issues first electronic travel system contract

All other agencies must select vendors to implement electronic travel-processing systems by December.


OPM, agencies urged to cooperate to speed hiring

Less finger-pointing, more communication is the key, says GAO.

Pay & Benefits

OPM: Agencies not taking advantage of hiring flexibilities

Survey shows readily available hiring tools not widely used.


National Building Museum honors General Services Administration

Agency is recognized for its architectural contributions to nation’s communities.

Pay & Benefits

Most TSP funds bounce back in May after April losses

All but F Fund gain in May. I Fund shows largest earnings over the past year.


GAO recommends consolidation of food safety system

Watchdog agency finds gaps in FDA and Agriculture Department system, and advises change.