
Senate approves bills to boost oversight and security for federal buildings

Lawmakers look to spur action after agencies have ignored most recommendations to make their buildings safer.

Updated Management

Senate misses deadline but averts shutdown after passing $1.2T funding package

Appropriations technically expired but shutdown procedures never commenced, with all agencies now funded through September.


Here are the 9 biggest agency and program reforms in the final FY24 spending package

Lawmakers have until the end of the day Friday to move the second "minibus" of the fiscal year to avoid a shutdown.

Updated Oversight

Key senator calls for pause to DeJoy’s changes at USPS

The Postal Service is not being transparent with Congress about its reform efforts, committee chairman says. USPS disputes the claim.


VA to shed 10,000 employees at underutilized facilities in FY25

The department plans to use attrition only and focus on staff in supervisory and administrative roles.


More than 600K federal employees are facing furloughs this week

Congress and the White House are still negotiating over a funding plan as they face a partial shutdown deadline on Friday.

Exclusive Oversight

House GOP launches investigation into DOJ's immigration judge 'gag order'

Top lawmakers say the Biden administration is inhibiting free speech and circumscribing congressional oversight.


Applications for revenue-generating IRS jobs are ‘far below’ agency goals

The tax agency is facing major hurdles with its big ambitions for hiring to slash uncollected taxes.


VA aims to house 41,000 homeless veterans in 2024

The goal is slightly reduced from the total it achieved in 2023, when the department set an all-time record.


Lawmakers debate the role of an overworked and under-resourced FEMA

Despite some hiring success, FEMA is taking on more tasks while operating at 65% capacity.


The 9 most significant agency and program reforms in Biden's budget

See how the president is prioritizing his proposed budget increases at nearly every agency in government.


Key federal workforce agencies get confirmed leaders

Biden finally has confirmed heads at the primary civil service enforcement agencies.


2 days before a shutdown, House sends $460B spending package to Senate

The measure, which would require small spending cuts at many agencies, heads to the Senate.