
Amtrak e-mail misuse alleged in IG scandal

Amtrak’s independent investigative officer is asking the Postal Service to look into the matter.


Issa investigates GAO auditors in battle over for-profit schools

Probe prompted by agency's revision of a report issued in the summer outlining alleged fraudulent recruiting practices at for-profit career colleges.


Maryland lawmaker gets top Democratic House oversight spot

Rep. Elijah Cummings will have to counter fiery incoming chairman Rep. Darrell Issa, who is expected to question the Obama administration aggressively.


Education likely will escape the ax

Campaign noise about abolishing the department is just that -- noise.


House panel asks congressional budget office to score immigration bill

Legislation would expand voluntary federal program by requiring employers to verify their workers' eligibility within four years.


Business coalition steps up campaign for more high-skilled work visas

Homeland Security will begin accepting H-1B applications for fiscal 2009 in April.


HHS report reignites fight over profit margins in Medicare

Report indicated that dispensing costs appear to wipe out any profits made by local pharmacies.


Senator probes HHS help line

Aide says the swiftest connection to a customer service representative was 14 minutes, while another staffer was on hold 30 minutes.


Immigration bill blocked as Senate undecideds join foes

Supporters fall 14 votes short of the 60 needed to limit debate.


Immigration measure clears one hurdle, but others await

Legislation still has to pass at least two more 60-vote tests in the Senate this week, and faces opposition from conservatives on the House side.


Senate may vote on immigration reform measure Friday

Timing and order of the amendment votes is being negotiated.


DHS chief opposes alternative approach to worker eligibility checks

Michael Chertoff says proposed addition to immigration bill would allow illegal workers to hide by remaining in their current jobs.


Border bill backers seek boost in enforcement provisions

Proposed amendment will include jail time for immigrants who enter the country illegally or overstay temporary visas after the measure is enacted.


Senators eye funding to save immigration reform bill

Negotiators favor adding $4.4 billion in funds immediately upon enactment; Republicans outside the negotiating team prefer an emergency supplemental.


GOP dissenters contribute to immigration deal’s collapse

Republicans criticize majority leader’s plans to move on to other more partisan matters next week.


Groups await changes in immigration bill

Business interests took a hit last week when the Senate voted to halve a proposed guest worker program to 200,000 foreign workers a year.


Coalition targets employer verification in immigration bill

Group leader says DHS would have to enroll 30,000 employers a day to meet 18-month deadline.


Senators reach deal on immigration reform measure

Enforcement provisions include a doubling of the border patrol and the construction of a fence along the Mexican border.


Senators to meet on immigration reform

Core issues, such as whether illegal immigrants can earn citizenship without leaving the country, still under discussion.


Senate group close to immigration deal

Deal may depend on development of more sophisticated border security and tracking systems.