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GBC Staff

GBC Staff


The Most Disruptive Technology

NASCIO and Route Fifty asked federal, state, and local officials what they consider to be the most disruptive technology in government today. The findings may not be what you expect.


The Future Is Now: Improving the Citizen Experience

The true innovators in government have one thing in common: an organization-wide passion for serving citizens what they need, when they need it, by whatever means are available. This is the citizen experience (CX), and it's what separates the best from the rest.


2017 NASPO ValuePoint Contract Guide

The official guidebook for state and local government purchasing officers in 2017.


Excellence in Government 2014 Recap

On May 12-13, Government Executive Media Group hosted Excellence in Government 2014, bringing together more than 700 federal employees to share ideas on how to improve mission-effectiveness and efficiency across federal agencies. GBC covered the conference and compiled summaries of individual sessions.


Empowering Smart Decision-Making Through Smart Data

A recent wave of Big Data initiatives has agencies focused on how they can best leverage data to improve performance.