News And Analysis

The Fog of War


State, local officials lukewarm on base-closing delay

Many say they’d just as soon get the process over with next year, and not delay it until 2007, as some lawmakers have suggested.

News And Analysis

Attack on Assaults

News And Analysis

Grounding Comanche


Senator takes aim at acquisition revolving door

Contracting officials may have to wait longer to join companies to which they’ve awarded large contracts.


Security agency doubled procurement spending in four years

Senior executive says National Security Agency is likely to double classified spending again by decade’s end.


Fewer Hands on Deck

News And Analysis

Weapons Watchdog


Pentagon opens civilian hall of fame

New permanent display honors “heroic bureaucrats.”


GAO tallies savings from base closings

'Too many unknowns,’ however, make it difficult for watchdog agency to pinpoint amount.

News And Analysis

Deal Breaker


Coast Guard weighs changes to multibillion-dollar modernization deal

The service struggles to keep pace with homeland security demands.


Army commander says gear for Iraq moving slowly but steadily

Slowdowns in parts and equipment delivery have not affected readiness rates in Iraq.

News And Analysis

Bye-Bye, Budgeteer


Changing of the Guard

News And Analysis

Over Iraq

News And Analysis

BRAC Attack