
Obama selects Sotomayor for high court vacancy

Republicans vow a thorough investigation of Supreme Court nominee Judge Sonia Sotomayor.


Obama stands by decision to close Guantanamo

President also defends stance on torture, saying interrogation methods such as waterboarding are not necessary to keep the country safe.


Obama requests $1.5 billion for swine flu in supplemental

President says he wants money "out of an abundance of caution."


Obama wins respect from the military

President looks to avoid the mistakes of Bill Clinton, the last Democratic, non-veteran commander-in-chief.


Obama administration and states target mortgage scammers

Program announced on Monday puts emphasis on greater coordination among agencies, better education for consumers and increased warnings and alerts.


Obama: Budget and fixing the economy are 'inseparable'

Investments that spur economic growth will help cut the deficit in the long term, president says.


Obama pushes for quick movement on fiscal 2010 spending plan

Floor action on the budget resolution is expected for the week of March 30.


Obama calls for earmark overhaul but will sign omnibus

President says bill is "necessary for the ongoing functions of government."


Obama taps Sebelius, DeParle to oversee health reform

Obama had previously tapped Tom Daschle to both offices as a healthcare czar.


Obama calls summit a good first step

Washington decisionmakers spent hours on Monday discussing a range of issues, including procurement and the budget process.


Obama promises a gimmick-free spending plan

President says he will cut the estimated $1.3 trillion deficit in half in four years by raising taxes on the wealthy and reducing spending on the Iraq war.


Daschle takes himself out of the running for HHS job

Withdrawal comes hours after another nominee, Nancy Killefer , dropped out over tax problems.


Obama gets down to business of governing

Among early agenda items is a directive dealing with the ethics of his appointees.