
The Senator vs. the Army: A bureaucratic battle

The story of Sen. Bob Smith's crusade to get the Army to develop an anti-satellite weapon has all the elements: a crusading lawmaker, a multi-million-dollar defense contract, evidence of misuse of a government charge card, and even an accusation of sexual harassment.


Defense Department


Talking About Defense: Bush versus Levin

The last time a Republican President tried to change the military in a big way, a rambunctious Senator dismissed the plan as "a shambles." That Senator is about to take over the Armed Services Committee.


Talking about Defense: Fighter-plane hopes, layoff fears

Workers don't want to stop building airplanes any more than pilots want to stop flying them.


Rumsfeld brings corporate approach to Pentagon Inc.

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld is running the Pentagon his way--like a corporation.


Bush offers flat budget for military


Rumsfeld convinces Bush to boost Pentagon budget this year

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, with help from military leaders, has convinced President Bush not to wait until next year to increase military spending.


Rumsfeld faces big choices in second tour at Pentagon

Donald Rumsfeld, on his second tour as Defense Secretary, will find that it's a different but no less dangerous world.


Rumsfeld upset at Pentagon's $10B supplemental spending plan

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is unhappy that the Joint Chiefs of Staff recently went to Congress seeking an extra $10 billion in fiscal 2001, including $2 billion for pay raises and military health care.