
House GOP creates permanent Homeland Security panel

But critics argue that the new committee lacks sufficient jurisdiction over Homeland Security operations.


House speaker faces challenge on permanent Homeland Security panel

Latest proposal would give revamped committee jurisdiction over the Homeland Security Department's internal operations, while continuing oversight role of other panels.


Senate approves intelligence reform bill

Measure to create national intelligence director and overhaul intelligence apparatus now heads to President Bush.


Compromise clears way for intelligence overhaul vote

Following several phone calls involving President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, negotiators finally break impasse. House and Senate votes are likely Tuesday and Wednesday.


House passes intelligence overhaul bill

Overcoming opposition of key legislators, measure passes by a wide margin and heads to the Senate.


Prospects for intelligence overhaul bill remain uncertain

House leaders may not decide until Monday whether to schedule a vote on the bill.


Bush to press for action on intelligence overhaul measure


9/11 panel vice chair seeks 'fourth quarter' rally on intel reform

Former Rep. Lee Hamilton, D-Ind., urges President Bush to get involved in reviving overhaul bill.


Intelligence overhaul supporters seek options

Senate conferees say it is now up to President Bush and House GOP leaders to push for an agreement.


Passage of intel bill may rest on speedy accord, aides say

Role of the proposed national intelligence director still a sticking point for conferees.


House GOP conferees to reject latest Senate intelligence offer

Biggest obstacle remains whether the Defense secretary or a new national intelligence director should have budget authority for the Pentagon's intelligence assets.


Senate conferees offer compromise on intelligence overhaul

New proposal gives ground on the issue of whether the Pentagon should retain control over part of the intelligence budget.


No intel deal in sight, but negotiators remain optimistic


House draws line on budget authority for intelligence director

Senate conferees refuse to back off their original proposal, House leader complains.


Conferees making little progress on intelligence overhaul

A House GOP aide accused Senate conferees of holding immigration and law enforcement provisions "hostage" until a deal is reached on the proposed national intelligence director.


Homeland Security tech spending on the way up

President Bush and Congress have provided the Homeland Security Department millions of dollars next year for a myriad of technology-related programs.