
Should Military Police Wear Body Cams? Congress is Asking

After BLM and Jan. 6, some say the tech is "long overdue," but others scoff that it’s "a solution in search of a problem."


Senators Have More Than 900 Ideas To Fix America’s Security

The proposed amendments to the NDAA include ideas on Afghanistan, China and extremism in the ranks.


Plan to Draft Women is Uniting Unlikely Political Allies

Anti-war activists and conservative hawks both want women to stay out of the Selective Service System.


Pentagon Will Add a Climate-Policy Czar

New post is intended to champion climate considerations inside and beyond the Department, Kahl says.


Terror Groups in Afghanistan Could Attack US Next Year, Pentagon Policy Chief Says

Kahl says ISIS-K might be able to strike in less than 12 months; AQ in one to two years.


A Quartet of Warnings Highlight Climate-Related Threats

Agencies vow to heed climate change in all strategy planning, but experts say that won’t be enough.


Taliban Takeover Of Afghanistan Is Inspiring Americans Online, FBI Says

“That’s where they see this rallying cry and their opportunity. Now it’s ‘time to buy a gun, run people over with a car,’ do whatever they’re going to do,” an FBI official said Tuesday.


GOP Lawmakers Slam Pentagon Nominee for Tweets

“Do you believe every Republican in the GOP...are they all racist?” Sen. Dan Sullivan asked Brenda Fulton.


The 9/11 Commission Said National Security Vacancies Were A Problem. Biden’s Pentagon Is ‘Far Worse’

The Senate is “falling far behind” as Armed Services and Foreign Relations Committees consider 14 nominees this week.


Is This the Next US Military Base in Europe?

Lithuania built Camp Herkus to woo a permanent contingent of American troops. But the Biden administration is far from convinced.


Milley’s China Calls During Trump Defeat Were ‘Lawful,’ Conveyed Reassurance, Pentagon Says

Some Republicans are seeking his ouster, but the Joint Chiefs chairman is the first to serve a guaranteed four years.


Congress’ Afghanistan Oversight Marred By Politics

Lawmakers overwhelmingly postured instead of asking America’s top diplomat real questions.


Will Congress Ever Repeal Its Post-9/11 War Authorizations?

The passage of two decades since the Sept. 11 terror attacks might be a “wake-up call” for lawmakers.


Lawmakers Load Defense Bill With Measures Demanding Answers for Afghanistan's Fall—and Its Future

Armed Services Committee members passed several bipartisan Afghanistan-related amendments amid partisan jabs at Biden.


The Future of U.S.-Taliban Relations

Blinken says cooperation is possible, but only if Taliban acts appropriately.