
Rubio Alienates Some Other Republicans by Advocating Government Shutdown

The GOP presidential prospect has joined a movement calling for a shutdown unless Congress defunds Obamacare.


What If John Kerry Outperforms Hillary Clinton as America’s Top Diplomat?

Kerry has already brought Israeli and Palestinian negotiators together for the first time in years.


What Took So Long for These 3 Senators to Get Presidential Buzz?

Hillary Clinton is a bigger obstacle than sexism for Warren, Gillibrand and Klobuchar.


Analysis: Senate Deal Doesn’t Help Obama on Judges, and That’s What Matters Most

Administration picks are one thing, but judges will carry his legacy into the future.


Is Hillary Clinton Peaking Too Soon?

Fans fuel 'inevitability' narrative about a 2016 presidential run that damaged her in 2008.


When Blocking Nominees Comes Back to Haunt Politicians

Some nominees thwarted by the Senate end up getting elected to the body that rejected them.


Argo and a New Resolve to Hold Iran Accountable for 1979 Iran Hostage Crisis

Families make a united push for action in a Father's Day letter to senators.


Don't Hold Your Breath Waiting for Public Opinion to Turn Against Obama

The president has a base of loyalists that won't quit and, at least for now, there's no evidence he was involved in any scandals.


Analysis: How Obama Could Start Fixing the IRS

Step one, name a Republican—preferably a prominent one—to head the agency.


Why the AP Phone Records Bombshell Could Threaten Eric Holder's Job

If Obama wants a high-level symbol of accountability, the attorney general is the only one left standing.


Will George W. Bush Ever Get Historians on His Side?

Truman and Eisenhower won belated respect, but they didn't have an Iraq problem.


Analysis: White House Tours Are Fun to Talk About, but Jobs Are the Real Sequester Casualty

The Obama administration lost the first round of PR competition. Republicans should worry about what comes next.


The case for Jennifer Granholm as Labor secretary

Granholm has the stature and the media savvy to put income inequality at the center of the national debate.


Analysis: Second-term exodus leaves zero Hispanics in Cabinet

The Obama administration is sorely in need of binders full of Latinos.


Does Obama Need Romney's Binder Full of Women?

Obama's white-guy problem seems worse than it is; male nominees and one particular female departure are among the reasons the president is developing an optics problem.


6 reasons Obama chose Chuck Hagel

The Vietnam veteran and former senator shares the president's goals and worldview.