
The Border Patrol’s Last Hiring Surge Invited a Rise In Corruption. Now It’s Hiring Again

It's just one reason why rushing to add 5,500 new agents will increase corruption within the ranks.


Melania Trump Spent One Day In Cairo And The Hotel Bill Was Over $95,000

She's supposedly running a "lean" operation, but the first lady's recent hotel bill was higher than her husband's.


A Single Shelter For Migrant Children Is Costing The Government Over $500,000 A Day

Taxpayers are spending millions of dollars each month to further Trump's immigration policy.


Now’s Your Chance To Drive Trucks Full Of Weed Around For The U.S. Border Patrol

The agency is looking for a few good men and women to take its "bulk marijuana" seizures to incinerators. Don't bother applying if you have a neck tattoo.


A Rare Peek Inside the FBI's Internal Video-Streaming Service

On-demand offerings from include "Active Shooter—Managing the Mass Casualty Threat," "Advancements in Maritime Intelligence" and "Bullying in the Workplace."


The U.S. Government Is Wasting Millions Guarding Confederate Graves

It's already spent $3 million to date, according to records obtained by the Associated Press.