Pay & Benefits

Senate Passes Bill That Would Allow More Vets Access to Private Health Care

Vets who live within 40 miles of a VA facility that doesn’t provide the care they need are eligible for the Choice program under the legislation.


Nearly One-Quarter of 2015 Presidential Management Finalists Are Vets

The competitive program has 600 finalists in the class of 2015, from a pool of 7,800 applicants.

Pay & Benefits

Why Isn't the White House Touting Its Top Senior Executives?

The Obama administration has been somewhat mum on the Presidential Rank Award winners, probably because of the bonuses.


House Passes Major Bill Overhauling Military Retirement

The fiscal 2016 Defense authorization act automatically enrolls new troops into the Thrift Savings Plan.


VA Secretary: Employees Need to Be 'Exalted,' Not Undervalued

Bob McDonald tells government leaders that the department has to empower employees to successfully meet its mission of serving the veteran.

Pay & Benefits

Panel Discusses Bill Rescinding VA Employee Bonuses

Senate hearing weighs pros and cons of clawing back bonuses of employees involved in patient wait list debacle.

Pay & Benefits

House Passes Bill Exempting Some Feds From Retirement Tax Penalty

Legislation would allow law enforcement officers and firefighters to access TSP savings before age 55 without 10 percent tax.

Pay & Benefits

MSPB Reminds Us It’s Not Impossible to Fire Federal Employees

Due process is necessary to protect all workers, and is a requirement of a merit-based personnel system, agency says.

Pay & Benefits

Feds Are Enthusiastic About New Higher Ed Benefit

Hundreds of applications are in already for three-week-old program offering employees reduced tuition to obtain degrees online.


Defense Panel’s Military Compensation Reforms Aren’t Bold Enough, Say Former Service Members

Politics, timidity and a resistance to change in government are threatening the sustainability of the armed forces.


Reimagining Government

Four ways to restore the vitality of the executive branch.


OPM to Agencies: You Decide Whether Or Not a Conference is Legit

Personnel agency is scrapping long-time practice of reviewing whether conferences qualify as training.


Finalists for 2015 Service to America Medals Announced

Accomplishments range from a natural disaster advance warning system to Ebola outbreak response.


Bill Bans Bonuses for VA Senior Executives

House version of the fiscal 2016 VA spending bill prohibits funds from being used for SES performance awards.


Panel Reverses Pentagon Cuts to Some Travel Per Diems

Defense authorization bill would scrap department policy that has resulted in lower reimbursement rates for employees on long-term government travel.


Defense Bill Alters Military Retirement System

Changes include auto-enrollment into TSP for new service members, and a less generous pension for those who retire after 20 years.