Pay & Benefits
What Would a Proposal to Auto-Enroll Troops Mean for the TSP?
Change would not affect the “investment side” of the retirement plan, but might potentially require more staff or other resources.
GAO: Mission-Critical Gaps in Skills Among Federal Workers is a 'High Risk'
The government lacks personnel and/or competency in jobs like cybersecurity, human resources and contracting, watchdog says.
EPA Watchdog Dings Itself For Not Always Vetting Job Applicants' Credentials
The inspector general office says it needs to require managers to verify the work history and references of potential hires.
Wanted: More Docs and Nurses at VA
The department’s largest staffing shortages are in jobs it needs the most, according to watchdog.
Government’s Publisher Cuts Staff by 5 Percent Through Buyouts
The agency estimates it will save $7 million in fiscal 2015 from trimming workforce.
Pay & Benefits
Senior Executive Service Is Meant to Be Mobile, Lawmaker Says
Republican defends bill to reassign top career VA employees to new posts every five years.
Pay & Benefits
Obama Budget Pushes Paid Parental Leave, Phased Retirement
The president's fiscal 2016 recommendations focus on more flexibility for the federal workforce.
Pay & Benefits
TSP Investments Have Lackluster January
All the lifecycle funds were in the red last month, along with the C and S funds.
Senators Push Bill to Limit Number of VA Senior Execs Receiving Bonuses
The legislation, like its House counterpart, also would require the department's top career officials to switch jobs every five years.
Panel Recommends Scrapping Current Military Pension System
Commission proposes a 'blended' approach to retirement benefits as well as moving dependents and some retirees off TRICARE.
Panel Expected to Call For Major Changes to Military Retirement and Health Benefits
Commission reportedly will recommend a new retirement system that would result in less generous pensions.
Pay & Benefits
Latest VA Bill Limits Number of Senior Execs Eligible for Bonuses
Legislation also directs secretary to reassign top career officials every five years.
VA Announces Major Department Realignment
Official says reorganization is not about job cuts, and that there is 'more than enough work' to go around.
Senators Reintroduce Sick Leave Bill for Disabled Vets
Legislation would give 104 hours of sick leave up front to first-year feds who are wounded warriors.
Hiring and Firing: Why Agencies Need To Do Better
Keeping the right people with the right skills is fundamental to every agency’s mission.
Air Force Doubles Bonus Pay for Drone Pilots
Eligible personnel will receive monthly incentive pay of $1,500 -- up from the current rate of $650.
Pay & Benefits
Obama Proposes Paid Family Leave for Feds
President directs agencies to give federal employees up to six weeks of paid sick leave to care for new children and ill family members.
VA Boosts Security After Texas Shooting
Department procures 16 more contract guards for El Paso facility after gunman kills doctor and himself.
Pay & Benefits
VA Bonuses Targeted Again
New legislation would give secretary authority to rescind employee performance awards.
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