Pay & Benefits

Obama Administration Encourages Agencies to Talk About Mental Health

Push to support employee assistance programs is part of a larger effort to eliminate the stigma associated with seeking help.

Pay & Benefits

Senate Panel Backs Changing TSP Default Settings to More Lucrative Funds

The legislation would automatically enroll new federal employees in a more diverse, age-appropriate retirement fund.


Senate Panel Approves OMB Director Nomination

HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan’s nomination to head the management and budget office now heads to the Senate floor.

Pay & Benefits

1 Percent Pay Raise On Horizon for Feds Next Year

Legislation currently circulating in both chambers of Congress doesn’t prohibit the president’s recommended 2015 pay bump.

Pay & Benefits

Bill Would Change TSP Default Settings to More Lucrative Funds

Senate panel on Wednesday will consider legislation that would automatically enroll new feds into one of the lifecyle funds.

Pay & Benefits

Most VA Senior Execs Rated Above Average on Performance Evaluations

Lawmakers at the latest VA hearing express anger, confusion over federal employee review and bonus system.


House Approves 1.8 Percent Military Pay Raise

The pay boost for 2015 is more than President Obama’s proposed 1 percent hike.


Senators: Social Security Isn't Going About Closing Field Offices the Right Way

The agency hasn't sufficiently justified its decisions, which are hurting seniors, report finds.

Pay & Benefits

COLA On Track to Be Bigger in 2015

The exact cost-of-living adjustment for next year won’t be revealed until October, but retirees could receive an increase of more than 1.7 percent.

Pay & Benefits

Appeals Process for TRICARE Claims is Fair, But Long

Report finds that Defense agreed with independent hearing officer’s decisions in 85 percent of cases over five years.

Pay & Benefits

Bill Would Give Civilian Employees in Combat Zones Tax Break

Reintroduced legislation aims to create benefit parity between civilians and military personnel working in dangerous places.


Uncle Sam Doesn’t Really Know How Many Political Vacancies Agencies Have

Current system only requires agencies to submit data on Senate-confirmed appointments, a fraction of the total.

Pay & Benefits

Agencies Will Start Hearing What Their Employees Really Think This Summer

OPM says it will begin sending feedback from the annual employee job satisfaction survey to agencies in August.


HUD May Have Broken Law When It Paid Salary of Senior Advisor

A non-federal employee on detail to department received more than $620,000 in compensation from the wrong pool of money.

Pay & Benefits

Improper Hiring at Treasury Bureau Possibly Affected Veterans

Lawmakers and others are looking into whether the use of illegal hiring practices at an anti-money laundering agency violated vets’ preference.

Pay & Benefits

Federal Employees Have Lost All Furlough Appeals So Far

MSPB judges have sided with the agency’s decision to furlough workers during sequestration in the 1,200 cases that they’ve adjudicated to date.