
Group Wants Obama to Fire Homeland Security Watchdog

Alleged misconduct includes complaints of nepotism, misuse of public resources and retaliation against employees.

Pay & Benefits

TSP Funds Mostly in the Red for June

The G Fund was the only offering that yielded a positive return last month.


Baby Steps

The government’s parental leave policy is limited, but it’s more flexible than some realize.

Pay & Benefits

Star Senior Execs Can Expect Kudos Instead of Cash

OPM will vet Presidential Rank Award nominees despite Obama’s decision not to hand out bonuses to 2013 winners.


House Approves Whistleblower Bill for Military Sexual Assault Victims

Legislation strengthens protections against retaliation for reporting sexual misconduct

Pay & Benefits

Premium Pay Cap Waiver Extended Through 2013 for Civilians in Iraq

Feds supporting certain overseas military or emergency operations can receive basic and premium pay up to $230,700 through Dec. 31.

Pay & Benefits

The Federal Parental Leave Policy’s Hidden Flexibilities

Policy's bad reputation might not be completely deserved.

Pay & Benefits

Bipartisan Group Says Pentagon’s Across-the-Board Furlough Policy Might Go Too Far

Lawmakers ask why civilian workers at units not funded directly by Congress are subject to unpaid leave.


Senators Criticize VA Approach to Reviewing Sexual Assault Claims

Department’s letter to vets is 'inappropriate' given sensitivity of the issue, say lawmakers.


Bill Would Allow Gay Vets to Update Service Records

Legislation could help those discharged for their sexual orientation access benefits.

Pay & Benefits

Furloughs Still a Reality For Thousands

As more agencies avoid unpaid leave in fiscal 2013, the unlucky ones stand out.

Pay & Benefits

Customs and Border Employees Escape Furloughs

Appropriators approve transfer of funds so agency can avoid unpaid leave through September.

Pay & Benefits

House to Vote on 2014 Military Pay Raise

Members close to approving a 1.8 percent boost; current Senate bill contains a 1 percent pay increase.

Pay & Benefits

Pay Uncertainty

Federal pay finds itself -- again -- in the legislative mix.