
Obama Says He Won’t 'Tolerate' Wrongdoing at IRS

President will hold employees accountable if they intentionally targeted political groups.


Bill Aims to Protect Military Sex Assault Victims

Measure strengthens whistleblower rights for service members who report sexual violence.


House Passes Debt Limit Bill

Legislation would direct Treasury to prioritize debt, Social Security payments if government hits debt limit.

Pay & Benefits

Doing the Math on Unpaid Leave

Figure out how much furloughs will cost you.


House to Vote on Debt Ceiling Bill

Legislation would direct Treasury to prioritize debt, Social Security payments if government hits debt limit.


Agriculture Department Might Escape Furloughs

Farm Service Agency is latest to be spared; Rural Development employees will know their fate by late May.

Pay & Benefits

TSP Funds Stay Positive in April

International stocks experienced the highest returns, earning 5.32 percent last month.


Innovation in Government Dips

Analysis shows employees are motivated to improve their performance but don’t feel empowered.

Pay & Benefits

No Furloughs at Justice

Employees won’t have to take unpaid leave because of sequestration in fiscal 2013.

Pay & Benefits

Could This Be the Year for Federal Pension Reform?

Deficit hawks still believe changes to the federal civilian and military retirement systems could yield sizable savings.

Pay & Benefits

Justice Wins Flexibility to Avert Furloughs

Appropriators approve department’s request to shift money in budget to pay employee salaries.


FLOTUS to Feds: You’re Invisible

First Lady’s well-meaning remark to Interior employees draws laughs.


Obama Budget Would Increase Federal Workforce

Additional staff proposed for Homeland Security, VA among other agencies.


VA to Fast-Track Oldest Disability Claims

Vets waiting a year or longer for benefits will receive priority.


Bill Aims to Give Agencies Furlough Flexibility

Legislation would exempt 'essential employees' from unpaid leave by following government shutdown guidance.