Pay & Benefits

Feds would contribute more to pensions under Obama’s deficit plan

President’s proposal also would raise health care costs for some military employees and retirees and would lower the salary cap for contractor executives.


Groups urge Obama not to target federal pay and benefits

The president is scheduled to release his deficit reduction recommendations Monday.

Pay & Benefits

Senate passes FAA spending extension

Congress averts another agency shutdown one day before current funding expires.


Federal employees lauded at Washington gala

Winners honored for achievements in science, law enforcement and medicine.


FAA back pay bill is still alive

Rep. Frank LoBiondo, R-N.J., says he will continue to push for retroactive pay for furloughed employees.


Bill would ensure military, law enforcement officer pay

Rep. Fitzpatrick’s new bill prioritizes pay and allowances for certain federal employees in the event of another budget crisis.

Pay & Benefits

Bill strips back pay for furloughed FAA workers

Latest version of reauthorization measure does not reimburse thousands of employees affected by summer impasse.

Pay & Benefits

Employees punished for political activity

More government workers violate the Hatch Act.

Pay & Benefits

Groups urge super committee to protect federal pay and benefits

Federal employee advocates say government workers have sacrificed enough.


Most government offices open after East Coast earthquake

OPM says employees can take unscheduled leave, telework.


Earthquake aftermath draws mixed reaction from feds

Some readers aren’t impressed with Washington’s response to East Coast quake.


TSA seeks authority to offer early outs to employees

Agency would provide the incentive from October 2011 through September 2013.


Rule on Sunday premium pay takes effect next month

A 2009 court case decided part-time employees are eligible for special pay.


OMB seeks to clarify 2013 budget guidance

Director Jack Lew says not all agencies necessarily will see cuts between 5 percent and 10 percent.


Feds could run for political office in Virginia county, under proposed rule

Hatch Act exemption allows federal employees to run as independent candidates for local partisan political office.

Pay & Benefits

Pension Restoration

How much interest did Uncle Sam end up paying on the G Fund?


OMB directs agencies to cut 2013 budgets

Agencies should submit requests that trim spending by at least 10 percent below 2011 levels.


Obama orders agencies to develop plans to increase workforce diversity

Executive order also mandates creation of governmentwide plan.


Agencies turn to buyouts in tough budget environment

More than a dozen agencies currently are offering the incentives or seeking authority to do so.


Library of Congress looks to reshape workforce through buyouts, early outs

Hundreds of employees at legislative agency could be eligible for early departure.