
Legislation would give troops flexible spending accounts

Service members are not currently eligible to set aside pretax funds for out-of-pocket health expenses.

Pay & Benefits

Accentuate the Positive

Yes, feds are down in the dumps about the pay freeze. But there are other benefits to working in government right now.


Grassley questions suspicious purchases made by Commerce officials

Lawmaker cites inspector general report that found NOAA employees spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on travel, luxury boat.


GAO praises government for progress on human capital management

Issue remains on watchdog’s high-risk list, but has improved substantially in the last decade, report says.


Lawmaker seeks federal hiring freeze

Bill would require certain agencies to hire one employee for every two workers who retire or leave service.


Budget includes 1.6 percent pay raise for military personnel

The administration also pledges $8.3 billion in fiscal 2012 funds to support military families.

Pay & Benefits

House lawmakers reintroduce paid parental leave bill

Legislation would provide federal employees with four weeks of paid time off for childbirth or adoption.


OPM launches online university for human resources managers

Website offers courses and career development resources across government for a price.


OPM Announces Early Departure for DC Feds


Agencies unveil renewable energy roadmap

Proposal targets specific zones for solar energy development on federal land in six Western states.


See Something? Say Something

Pay & Benefits

Poll: Feds see politics in pay raise decisions

An informal survey of Government Executive readers found most believe politics is the driving force behind federal pay negotiations.


Pentagon pay transition remains on track, data shows

But ensuring employees do not lose salary as a result of conversion from pay-for-performance system is still a concern.


Federal judge ends ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’

It’s not clear if Obama administration will appeal ruling eliminating ban on gays openly serving in the military.

Pay & Benefits

TSP shows strength in September

After a rocky summer, all the funds return to the positive column.


Uncle Sam Poaching Talent?


Justice investigates allegations of cheating at FBI

The inspector general is looking into whether hundreds of agents took shortcuts on a training test.


Obama directs agencies to improve workplace safety for feds

New initiative aims to reduce number of claims filed and amount of workers’ compensation payments.