
Tata Tapped to Perform Duties of Defense Undersecretary for Policy

President Trump’s deeply controversial nominee was rejected by the Senate over the summer.


Trump Fires Esper, Taps NCTC Director to be Acting SecDef

Christopher Miller becomes Trump's fourth acting defense secretary just 72 days before Inauguration Day.


US Navy Orders First New Missile Sub

The $9.4 billion order covers the completion of USS Columbia and materials for USS Wisconsin.


Army Halts Apache Helicopter Deliveries

For the second time in two years, the Army had to stop accepting Boeing's attack helicopter. The exact reason remains unknown.


Boots on The Moon Are Going to Have to Wait, Space Force General Says

NASA’s astronaut program is the quickest way to space for military personnel. 


As Navy Pushes for More Ships, Experts Warn Repair Yards Are Crumbling

One congressman suggests contracting ship maintenance work to private yards or even working with allies.


Revealed: US Air Force Has Secretly Built and Flown a New Fighter Jet

The new digital tools that designed the full-scale flight demonstrator could herald a sea change in weapons acquisition.


Lockheed-Boeing Battle Heats Up as USAF Looks to Buy F-15EX

The F-35 maker is fighting to keep its monopoly on the Air Force’s fighter-jet shopping list.


Here’s What Might Not Survive COVID Budget Cuts

Like baby antelope at the watering hole, military weapons and vehicles still in early development might be the first to go.  


Boeing’s Coronavirus Losses Now Bleeding Into Its Defense Accounts

More layoffs, production slowdowns and factory closures are being considered, executives said.


Raytheon CEO Projects Three-Year Coronavirus Downturn

It’s "a hell of a lot worse than what we originally projected," says the head of the new company formed by the United Technologies-Raytheon merger earlier this year.


Trump Eases Restrictions On Armed Drone Sales Abroad

US says changes needed to compete with China, but critics say it may only alienate allies.


Progressives Mount Assault on Defense Spending Ahead of Stimulus Package, Election

During a House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing, one Democrat questioned defense firms access to coronavirus stimulus money.