
5 Factors That Reduce Cloud Complexity (While Increasing Security)

So your agency has already migrated email and some back office functions to the cloud. Great. But is it ready for the hard stuff?


Reducing Complexity, Ensuring Security: Toward Better Information Management

Your agency is literally (maybe not literally) drowning in data and it's only going to get worse without serious consideration for its information management strategy.

Industry Insights

Understanding Insider Threats Through Data Loss Prevention

After 2013 saw incredible growth in the number of insider threats, federal agencies are scrambling to find technological solutions to bolster information security.

Industry Insights

Striving for Federated Identity Management in Emergency Management and Healthcare

Federal agencies are focused on identity and access management like never before. By linking electronic identities across multiple platforms, agencies can improve collaboration while lowering costs.


The Budget Deal: An Okay End to a Very Bad Year for Medical Research

Congress has offered some relief to NIH, but Francis Collins says lawmakers are still scrimping on essential science.


The Best Way to Fix Scrap It and Start Over.

Former government tech consultant says a total rebuild would be most effective solution.


Shutdown Continues Dark Days for Medical Research

Between the sequester and the shutdown, repeated hits to research funding may have serious consequences for scientific advancement.


Sequestration Got You Down? Embrace It, Says Defense Leader

Defense’s Deputy Chief Management Officer talks living into the fiscal environment’s opportunities.