
How the CFPB Stole Talent from Silicon Valley

Using lean development, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was able to recruit, and scale, quickly


Beyond Mars: The Biggest Federal Victories of the Summer

From Mars to wildfires, a look at where the federal government succeeded this past summer.


Federal Managers Give Government a 'C' in Cost Savings

The Government Business Council recently surveyed more than 500 federal managers about cost savings.


Video: The untold story of how the GPO became a model of federal cost savings

The Government Printing Office has become one of the unsung heroes in the effort to reduce costs.


Using targeted training programs to deliver on mission

The SSA adopted an internal training model to build more effective program managers.


Video: OMB Controller on modernizing government with fewer resources

Controller Werfel on how tight budgets shouldn't get in the way of modernizing government.


How Jerry Seinfeld is training me for a marathon

Seinfeld's productivity tip has changed the way I train for marathons--and might change the way you manage a whole range of tasks.