
Is the TSA Killing Us?

Many will take to the roads over Thanksgiving to avoid the hassle of air travel--and that leads to higher traffic fatalities.


Photo: Obama is Not Impressed

President yuks it up with U.S. Olympic gymnast McKayla Maroney


How Not to Start a Second Term: The Case of Richard Nixon

To celebrate his landslide victory in 1972, Nixon dropped a bombshell on his own administration.


Obama's Planned Visit to Burma a Presidential First

Obama will be the first U.S. president to visit the Southeast Asian nation currently in the midst of democratic reforms.


Obama Cries While Thanking Campaign Staff After Election

The Commander-in-Chief got emotional while thanking the young people who worked to re-elect him.


Transcript: In Confronting Tucson Shooter, Giffords Condemns Political Cowardice

Former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and husband Mark Kelly attend sentencing, confront shooter that nearly took her life.


Photos: Obama's Acceptance Speech In Brief

The key moments of each Obama's speech in photos.


Puerto Rico Votes to Become 51st State

Voters in Puerto Rico have voted in favor of a non-binding referendum that would make it the first state since 1959 to join the Union.


Obama Beats Justin Bieber for Most Popular Tweet of All Time

The President beat more than his Republican rival, he also took down Justin Bieber.


See Facebook's Map of Election Day Voting in Real-Time

The social network's map shows where self-identified voters are casting ballots.


Would an Obama Win Make Mitch McConnell a Failure?

The Senate Minority leader set a goal of preventing an Obama second term.


Sandy-Damaged States Creatively Prepare for Election Day Polling Trouble

From army trucks to extra voting days, storm damaged states are ready for Election Day.


Infographic: Who Actually Votes in America?

An interesting snapshot of who takes advantage of the right to vote in the U.S.


Election Day is Tomorrow: What You Need to Know

With one day left, a look at how the race will end, what the polls are saying and what you need to know for election day.


Election Countdown: Four Days To Go

Where the candidates are, what the polls are saying and what you need to know going into the homestretch.


‘Bronco Bamma’ and Mitt Romney Make Little Girl Cry, NPR Apologizes

A little girl expresses in the purest way possible what we're all feeling about the election.