
It's Easy to Pretend Government Doesn't Matter

Author Gautam Mukunda says critics of government employees don't realize how good they have it.


Can Lack of Sleep Cause Brain Damage?

New research indicates lack of sleep can cause two things: Euphoria and brain damage.


Being 'Busy' Is a Lame Excuse

Saying you're "busy" is just an excuse to not address the decisions you're making.


Cartoon Bears Take on Big Soda

A clever new video shows the brutal consequences of soda consumption.


8 Career Killing Habits

These eight habits may be responsible for stalling your career .


Management Lessons from ’30 Rock’

An examination of the management stylings of Alec Baldwin's Jack Donaghy.


Deficit Reduction Must Address Big Three

Reducing the debt and deficit requires cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.


Simpson: If You Can’t Compromise ‘You’re a Zero.’

Former Senator Alan Simpson had harsh words for politicians who can't learn to compromise.


Run Better Meetings With This Four Letter Word

The OARRs principle is simple tool that makes any meeting more efficient.


Leadership Don’ts from Presidential Debates

What leaders can learn from some of the most famous gaffes in debate history.


5 Tips for Watching the Debates

A few ways to enhance your viewing experience and get the most substance from the debates.


Science Community Sounds Alarm Over Sequestration

Cuts could slow progress in medical research, food safety and energy independence.


Where Sequestration, Mars and Political Transition Meet

Excellence in Government Digital has a treasure trove of insight into the most pressing issues from leaders across the federal government.


How to Get Unstuck

A simple exercise to help you prioritize and get moving.


The 7 Most Powerful Women in Government

The women in government who made Forbes magazine's list of "The World's 100 Most Powerful Women."