Author Archive

Maurizio Valsania

Università di Torino

Maurizio Valsania
Maurizio Valsania

80 Is Different in 2023 Than in 1776 – but Even Back Then, a Grizzled Franklin Led Alongside a Young Hamilton

Americans have long nurtured mixed feelings about age and aged leaders. Yet during the country’s founding, a young America admired venerable old sages.


It’s not Just Trump – Presidents and Politicians Have Long Shredded Etiquette

'Mind your manners' isn't just something your mother told you. Manners – and civility – are an essential component of how things get done in government, and the Founding Fathers knew it.


How George Washington Used His First Thanksgiving as President to Unite a New Country

For his first presidential Thanksgiving, George Washington aimed to pull his country together in the face of the many internal divisions that could yank it apart.


A Brief History of Presidents Snubbing Their Successors – and Why the Founders Favored Civility Instead

'Mind your manners' isn't just something your mother told you. Manners – and civility – are an essential component of how things get done in government, and the Founding Fathers knew it.