Author Archive

Patricia Kime

Patricia Kime covers military/vets health care and medicine for Kaiser Health News.
Patricia Kime covers military/vets health care and medicine for Kaiser Health News.
Pay & Benefits

Exposed to Agent Orange at U.S. bases, veterans face cancer without VA compensation

Mounting evidence shows that as far back as the 1950s, in an effort to kill the ubiquitous poison oak and other weeds at Fort Ord, the military experimented with and sprayed the powerful herbicide combination known colloquially as Agent Orange.


Pioneering study links testicular cancer among military personnel to ‘forever chemicals’

A new federal study for the first time shows a direct association between PFOS, a PFAS chemical, found in the blood of thousands of military personnel and testicular cancer.


Defense Department Health Plan Cuts Its Pharmacy Network by Nearly 15,000 Outlets

Many of the pharmacies were small, independent operations that had decided not to participate next year because of the lowered reimbursement being offered. But they were surprised by an early dismissal, and some patients with specialized drug needs could face difficulties in the transition.