
The Pentagon’s New R&D Chief Has a Mandate for Change

Michael Griffin has orders to concentrate the Defense Department’s diverse research and development efforts on a few key technologies.


The Pentagon Is Making a Ray Gun to Stop Truck Attacks

A device that resembles an old phonograph may soon be used to jam and shut down vehicles like the one that killed 10 people in Toronto.


Experts Say AI Could Raise the Risks of Nuclear War

A new RAND report says ideas like mutually assured destruction and minimal deterrence strategy offer a lot less assurance in the age of intelligent software.


Pentagon Declares Strike Successful. Here’s A Look at What Went Into It

U.S., French, and British planes and ships used a wide variety of precision weapons to hit Syrian chemical weapons facilities. Some saw their first day of combat.


After London, How Lasers Will Play a Role in Detecting Chemical Attacks Sooner

A new technique can detect trace elements of dangerous chemicals in extremely small doses, a breakthrough of relevance to the horror show playing out in Salisbury, U.K.


Pentagon’s New Arms-Research Chief Eyes Space-Based Ray Guns

Neutral-particle beams, a concept first tried in the 1980s, may get a fresh look under Michael Griffin.


The U.S. Military Is Making Lasers Create Voices out of Thin Air

Within three years, the Pentagon's non-lethal weapons lab hopes to have a direct energy weapon that can produce an effect like a haunted walkie-talkie or the biblical burning bush.


Facebook Just Blocked This Cambridge Analytica Affiliate. Why Does It Still Have a State Department Contract?

Strategic Communications Laboratories worked with Cambridge Analytica, which reportedly used social media data to target likely Trump voters.


The Pentagon Wants AI To Reveal Adversaries’ True Intentions

The U.S. military is looking to enlist game theory and artificial intelligence to fight tomorrow’s unconventional warfare tactics.


Russia Will Challenge U.S. Military Superiority in Europe by 2025: U.S. General

Russia is advancing in key military technology areas and shows no deceleration in efforts to destabilize the West, said the commander for U.S. forces in Europe.


The U.S. is Accelerating Development of Its Own 'Invincible' Hypersonic Weapons

Russia isn’t the only country looking to build invincible hypersonic weapons. Here’s the latest on the U.S. efforts to send missiles and even aircraft five times faster than sound.


North Korea Is Upping Its Offensive Cyber Operations

As Pyongyang runs out of money for missile tests, expect more hacking.


Here’s What Invisible Brain Weapons Did to U.S. Diplomatic Workers in Cuba

The long-awaited report names no culprits and fails even to determine how the damage was done. But it documents real, long-lasting damage.


White House Threatens ‘Consequences’ for 2017 Russian Cyberattack

In an unusual public statement, the White House fingered Russia and said it would respond with unspecified “international consequences" to NotPetya.


The U.S. Air Force Is Giving Its Anti-Drone Efforts a Silicon Valley Twist

A new kind of investor-innovation partnership may help speed emerging technology to the front lines.


U.S. Army Now Holding Drills With Ground Robots That Shoot

Last year saw a historic first: an exercise in which an unmanned vehicle provided live covering fire for American troops.


DHS’s New Plan for Refugee Screening Looks a Lot Like TSA PreCheck

Forget bans. Risk-based screening is the new way to vet refugees, and it could be useful for visa applicants as well.


What a Nuclear Missile Attack On Hawaii Would Look Like

A blast over Honolulu would be catastrophic. That doesn’t mean the government shouldn’t help the public prepare for one.


As America’s Nukes and Sensors Get More Connected, the Risk of Cyber Attack Is Growing

Future nuclear weapons will be more sophisticated and better integrated with other equipment. That has benefits and drawbacks.


How the (Likely) Next NSA/CyberCom Chief Wants to Enlist AI

A look at Lt. Gen. Paul Nakasone’s public statements about artificial intelligence, offense, and defense.