
Critics say some military spending items don't belong in emergency bill

Spending requests detailed in 82-page document on the Pentagon's $74.9 billion portion of the supplemental request.


House GOP may balk at some provisions in supplemental

Foreign aid items in war supplemental could draw ire from legislators.


President sends supplemental request to Congress

Request includes funding to restructure and increase the number of Army combat brigades and for humanitarian assistance in Sudan.


Senator offers alternative appropriations overhaul

If Senate followed House plan, Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, would end up losing her subcommittee chairmanship.


Appropriators modify plan for military quality of life panel

Plan to eliminate subcommmittees keeps military personnel accounts within the Defense appropriations bill.


White House seeks savings in domestic spending

Budget proposes to eliminate or sharply reduce 150 federal programs, saving about $20 billion.


House, Senate agree to more talks on appropriations changes

Proposal to create an expanded military "quality of life" subcommittee becomes a major sticking point.


House leaders seek to add military 'quality of life' panel

GOP leaders aim to place such issues at the forefront of the domestic appropriations agenda, ahead of education, health research and other social programs.


House chairman to propose appropriations overhaul

The move, which is designed to speed the process of approving spending bills, could eliminate three subcommittees.


Tsunami aid could increase to $1 billion

Lawmakers will move supplemental spending bill after the damage is assessed.


Tsunami relief discussions may delay supplemental request

The wartime supplemental may be pushed back a month to allow Congress to focus on a disaster relief package.


Senate backs increase in debt ceiling; hopes high for fast omnibus action

The Senate approved an $800 billion increase in the statutory debt ceiling Wednesday, as negotiations moved forward swiftly on a catch-all appropriations package.


Lawmakers scrambling to lock down omnibus deal


Omnibus negotiations pick up as lawmakers seek a deal

Lawmakers try to avoid extending lame-duck session.


Senate cuts top-line spending offer; House seeks sharper knife

Senate appropriators still seeking $6 billion in additional spending above the statutory cap of $821.9 billion.