
Cheney's office logs victory in spending bill fight

Committee votes by narrow margin to strike language that would have withheld funding for the vice president’s office pending compliance with executive order.


Labor-HHS, transportation spending bills advance

Measures overshoot President Bush's spending targets for fiscal 2008 by $16 billion, which will surely result in a veto fight.


Cheney standoff with Democrats extends to spending bill

Bills to fund the Treasury, Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, Labor, and Health and Human Services departments start making their way through Senate.


Appropriator outlines fast pace for remaining spending bills

Anticipated debates over a new farm bill and reauthorizing the State Children's Health Insurance Program will compete for time with the spending measures.


Commerce-Justice-Science spending bill faces hurdles

Despite its focus on popular law enforcement programs, the measure may lack the momentum necessary to sustain a veto.


Congress left with few easy paths on spending bills

Democrats will have trouble meeting their goal of passing 12 fiscal 2008 appropriations measures individually and on time.


House passes financial services spending bill

Measure passes on a 240-179 vote, with more than enough opposition to sustain a veto.


Dems, Bush prepare for battle over spending levels

Democrats have exceeded Bush’s $933 billion budget request by about $23 billion.


Spending bills’ fate uncertain with new budget chief, veto threats

Successor to outgoing OMB Director Rob Portman may be less willing to compromise, Democrats fear.


Tensions continue to simmer over House earmarks rule

Swift consideration of remaining spending bills will depend on unanimous consent agreements between Democrats and Republicans.


Bush names new management, budget chief

Former Rep. Jim Nussle, R-Iowa, to replace Rob Portman, who's leaving for personal reasons.


House deal on earmarks lets appropriations work proceed

Democrats agree to include add-ons for special projects up front for debate and votes on 10 of 12 bills.


Homeland Security spending bill passes without veto-proof majority

Democrats say Bush should view funding increases related to border security in the context of the larger debate over immigration reform.


Appropriator unveils plan to publish earmarks for all to criticize

House members would have an opportunity to review and register objections to potential earmarks before conference negotiations begin.


Dems test GOP’s will to stay within spending limits

House Democrats call surprise vote on military construction, veterans’ affairs appropriations measure that exceeds Bush’s request by $4 billion.


Interior-Environment spending bill clears House committee

Measure exceeds the White House’s request by $1.9 billion.


House panels approve two more 2008 spending measures

Office of Management and Budget director has said he will recommend a veto of any spending bill that goes over Bush's limit.


GOP ramps up attacks on moderate Dems for budget votes

Budget blueprint enables an increase in the government's debt ceiling -- the limit on the amount it can borrow without defaulting on its obligations.


House allocations would boost domestic spending 5 percent

Biggest increases allotted to Military Construction-VA programs and the Homeland Security measure.


Congress sends wartime funding bill to Bush

Measure drops timelines for withdrawing troops from combat zones, replacing them with 18 benchmarks for the Iraqi government to demonstrate progress.