
Play of the Day: Crimea Is a Lost Cause

Do Americans know anything about the Ukraine region?


Play of the Day: A Woman in the White House 'Invites Aggression'

The dubious case against a female president is presented on Fox News.


Play of the Day: Obama's Manliness Scale

How does the American leader size up against Putin's machismo?


Play of the Day: How Ukraine Will Affect America in 2014

The Daily Show asks about Euromaidan's affect on the United States.


Play of the Day: Super Bill Sunday

The O'Reilly interview with Obama still resonates.


Play of the Day: The GOP Has a Border Problem

What do the Republicans want to do about immigration?


Play of the Day: A Sad Day for Sochi

Russia's not holding up to the Olympic pressure.


Play of the Day: America Gets Distracted

The president and Fox News move the country's attention.


Play of the Day: Chris Christie's Guide to Navigating Scandals

The New Jersey governor still says he knew nothing about the traffic closings.


Play of the Day: Censure from the GOP

Weekend Update takes a look at John McCain's relationship with the Arizona Republican Party.


Play of the Day: South Parked

The extreme weather is affecting the entire nation, even the Sun Belt.


Play of the Day: A Republican Open Mic Night

Members of the GOP had more than one response to the State of the Union.


Play of the Day: The State of the Union's Mixed, Awkward Messages

Tuesday brings more from TV hosts on the president's big speech.