
Play of the Day: Affordable Horror Story

The Obamacare site continues to be a late-night target.


Play of the Day: Premium Obamacare

Some late night comedians explain there are other reasons why the American people should hate Obamacare besides a broken website.


Play of the Day: Failure to Launch

The numbers are in on Obamacare enrollment-- and they aren't pretty.


Play of the Day: A Bugged Life

Another day, another struggle for Congressional favorability-- and politicians are losing out.


Play of the Day: Race to 2014

Ken Cuccinelli, Rand Paul, and Obama's ignorance: they all pose a few problems.


Play of the Day: Shutdown and Restart the Government

Plus, Saturday Night Live talks to "Kathleen Sebelius."


Play of the Day: Everybody Hates U.S.

Obamacare and NSA surveillance-- it's all just a huge mess.


Play of the Day: A Nightmare on Wall Street

The screwed up legacy of HealthCare.gov, fake Tweets, and some risky dealings with the devil at JPMorgan Chase.


Play of the Day: Extreme Takeover, Tea Party Edition

Bro-surance, Congressional popularity, and that time the GOP complained about the Tea Party crazies.


Play of the Day: Wanted: Iranian Space Monkeys

Late night television takes on Iran's space program.


Play of the Day: Congress Learns... Something

The primary lesson from the shutdown: stop hiring stenographers prone to bouts of the crazies.


Play of the Day: Squirrel Squabbling

The GOP is splintering. Meanwhile, the squirrels are taking over.


Play of the Day: Shutdown: The Terrible Twos

Houston, we have some problems. Houston?


Play of the Day: Ride for the Constitution

With liberty and no debt limits for all.